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 @9F796HR  from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Pro-life denies a woman the right to her body in every way. No matter if you personally would have an abortion, other people get to decide what they do to their child that they must support financially. If you are pro-life and are completely fine with a minor taking care of a child they have as a rape victim, you are feeding into the trauma that the child and baby receives. Not everyone can support a child financially, so they can take the necessary steps to make sure the child is not put into a foster care system where funding is limited.


I think that raped and incest are awful so abortion should be an option because it allows people to have a choice. It allows them to make their own opinion.

  @92DR7QC from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

Even if you think abortion is wrong, victims of rape and incest who unwillingly became pregnant should be allowed to have full autonomy to their own bodies, and they will most likely not have the resources to even take care of a baby if they were raped suddenly.

 @9FYYM4GDemocrat from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this. No woman should be forced to carry a rape baby because it was against the woman's consent.

 @9G2MC2PRepublican  from Arkansas agreed…8mos8MO

The most vulnerable of our population (those unborn who cannot speak for themselves) need to be protected. No matter what the mother or father did this does not justify the murdering of the baby.

 @9G8CQFS from California disagreed…8mos8MO

A woman has a right to control what happens to her own body. This isn't an argument about the rights of fetuses, this is about women's rights, and their right to choose whether or not they want to have children or not. Also, women who are raped, underage kids who are not ready for kids, or women who get pregnant accidentally should never have to be forced to have children. Not to mention, hundreds of kids born out of accidental pregnancies are in the foster system and do not have families or happy childhoods.

 @ResilientFr33m4rketRepublican from Hawaii disagreed…8mos8MO

While I fully understand and respect the emphasis on a woman's right to control her own body, I believe it's important to also consider the rights of the unborn child. In the same vein, the argument about children ending up in the foster system presumes an inevitability. But wouldn't it be more effective to address the underlying societal issues that lead to this outcome? Perhaps we could focus more on improving our adoption and foster systems, and providing more support for single mothers or parents who are not financially ready to raise a child.

What are your thoughts on that? Do you think we could find middle ground in improving the support systems rather than resorting to abortion?

 @9G3T8JY from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Not all people who can bear children can financially support a child and forcing them to have that child regardless screws the child's chances of a good life from the start. There are other reasons such as ectopic pregnancies which are life threatening. In cases of underage pregnancies, incest, and rape, you shouldn't force someone to bear and birth that child. It increases the trauma they have suffered from the experience and it's not worth it to put them through birth on top of it all.

 @9GKDB3T from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

It's not just the life of the baby that should be taken into account in this situation, it's the lives of the parents as well. The decision to bring a human into a world that some people are uncertain of is a very personal one, and being forced to have a baby will cause unexpected to do more harm than good to their baby in an effort to give the responsibility to someone else.

 @WearyPorcupineRepublican from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Although the protection of the most vulnerable is indeed important, the question arises about the rights of the mother. Does she not have the right to choose what happens to her body and her life? For instance, consider a teenager who gets pregnant due to sexual abuse and is not ready to be a mother, both physically and mentally. If she is forced to carry this pregnancy to term, it might result in both physical and psychological trauma. What would your solution or counter-argument be in such a situation?

 @9FNKH5S  from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

My stance on abortions is that if you aren't ready or you got raped you should have the full right to have an abortion, it is not fair to the fediest or the carrier if they do not have a stable home or will not care for it.

 @9FNMGNQRepublican from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I do agree, but I think there should be a “limit”. I think women should have a decision about their body but it shouldn’t be an issue that repeats itself. Ex: a woman tries to get two a second or third abortion, that seems to be a careless attitude and the desire of just “erase” over an over a mistake taking a life.

 @9FNMJ2S from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I agree entirely. In the case of children or young teens becoming pregnant, rape cases, incest, or other health conditions on the woman, they should have the right to an abortion because it is unfair, and they did not ask for it to happen.

 @9FNMRDH from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment about abortion. I believe that if abortion was banned. And someone who had to give birth to a baby, like a 12 year old for instance. Do you think that a 12 year old can take care of their baby if they were raped? No. And for one who isn't ready, I also agree with this because what kind of mother wouldn't want to give their baby everything. If they weren't ready, that means that they couldn't treat the baby as well as they deserve.

 @9FTP47FCA Common Sense  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that it is every females right to abort an unwanted child especially if the circumstances of the pregnancy are traumatizing. people who feel they are not ready to have a child or do not want to have a child and got pregnant by mistake or not by choice should have every right to abort their pregnancy

 @9FTCXX3Republican from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement. Women should have every right to abortion, especially in deadly, rape, or not by choice situations.

 @9FTQFGP from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement from the bottom of my heart. I believe every woman has the right to an abortion whether it was through rape or an unwanted child. If the woman feels they can not take care of the child for whatever reason it may, they should not have to have it.

 @9FTRXDK from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

yes i agree. There are many different situations to why a women might want an abortion. weather she was forced upon doing something. or simply thinks she can not raise a child. if one get pregnant without choice they should 100% have the right to abortion. but one who did have a choice and feels they would be an unfit parent should also. and while giving that child up for adoption may work for some, some people dont want to be pregnant,get attached, keep the baby but at the coast of the baby living a happy full life. and some may not want there baby to go into foster care having to worry about the possible situations they might go through. if a women feels that to bring a child into this world would not benefit her or the child in anyway she has every right to do so.

 @9FTRCSV from Connecticut agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment because i feel as if this is true. The women should decide if they want a child or not.

 @9GL2Z3P  from Massachusetts agreed…7mos7MO

I don't believe that children should be punished for their parents' crimes; a life is a life no matter how it started.

 @9GV5TZDSocialist from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

It isn't a child, it is a fetus, it has not begun life. Additionally, an unwanted child can destroy families, and forcing parents to care for an unwanted child will spur more problems than abortion.

 @9GQQBWVDemocrat from California disagreed…7mos7MO

They don't have a consciousness before they are born. The life of the parent is the most important thing. I'd rather they abort an embryo they are unable or unwilling to care for into adulthood, than a child be born and suffer for it.

 @9GQZ4MLPeace and Freedom from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

If the women got raped it would traumatize her and if she didn't get an abortion she would know that she has a kid out there in the world unless she decides to keep it. My full opinion on this is, I don't believe in abortions, but if the women has a perfectly good reason to get one, she should be allowed to. It's her choice, not the governments or anyone else.

 @9GQNLT3 from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion should always be a choice, a child’s life If pointless if the mother is unprepared or they are not fit to be a parents, or if rape is involved or any other circumstance, the woman carrying the child should always have the choice

 @9FBML7K  from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

If it isn't your body then you shouldn't have any say in what the woman does with her body, if she doesn't want it then she doesn't need to especially if she was forced.

 @9FFZ9HWProgressive from Pennsylvania agreed…9mos9MO

I agree. No women should be forced to carry a baby if she doesn't want to. However, to say that "because you are not a women" isn't the best stance to take. We talk daily about issues that don't directly affect us.

 @9FFY3KL from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

I agree. Even if a fetus has a heartbeat, it has no brain, or other development, and therefore is not life. A woman should have the choice to abort a fetus, especially if it was rape or if she cannot care for it. Plus, when the baby is born, it's not like republicans care about it anymore.

 @9FFRW6D from California agreed…9mos9MO

Yes; nobody should have any say in what a person does or does not do with their own body. We give more autonomy to the dead.


Yes I completely agree. As a women my self I would like to have the choice if I would like to have an abortion or not. My body my choice.

 Removed by authoragreed…6mos6MO

No matter how a child is conceived, their life holds value. They are made in the image of God. They should not be held accountable for the actions of the mother or father.

 @9H8Z6H4Women’s Equality from Illinois disagreed…6mos6MO

The Mother is the one who has to carry the child for nine months, and their life is also valuable. Therefore, if a pregnancy is going to be harmful to the mother or the mother cannot financially or physically care for the child, they should be given the right to an abortion.

 @9H9TP9Z from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Mothers should have a choice on whether they want to keep their child or not because everyone's circumstances are different and it is wrong to make someone take care of a child who does not believe they could or want to.

 @9HBWCQKIndependent from Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

The way a child was conceived is important. If a woman was raped, she deserves the choice to not have that baby. Women have many reasons including income, household, school, etc. that could affect the life of that child. Some abortions are necessary and could effect the woman's life if she doesn't have it. I do not agree with having an abortion if you did not need it, but that comes down to the mother's choice.


I think it is up to the parents who are having the child. If they are unable to support the child with a healthy life and living they shouldn't have one. SOmetimes adults arent ready or prepared for what is next when having a child.

 @9GNGW77Democrat  from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

Women and young girls should have the right not to have a baby and have their life turned upside down when raped and forced into sex. Victims of rape and sexual assault had no choice in the matter of having a child and it is unfair to force them into a position of motherhood because some *** man forced them into having sex.

 @9GNJBHG from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement because it isn't fair to the young girls that have just dealt with an extremely traumatizing experience, and then telling them they have to have the baby. The baby might get put into foster care or just not be cared for as a baby should. I believe it will just be a cycle of trauma and hurt.

 @9GNHLZR from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I just personally hate abortion if you got yourself pregnant and want to go and kill a baby then that's on you but its not okay maybe you should have been more safe and you would have to deal with killing a baby.

 @9GQ2D92Democratfrom Virgin Islands agreed…7mos7MO

I personally am pro choice i think it Is Better for every One and no One should take away the right to chose what a persone want's to do regarding their personal life

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

A few months ago, I was also personally pro-choice and I didn't want to take away other people's right to have an abortion. But I've come to realize that you can't be "personally pro-choice". Saying I'm personally against abortion is like saying "I'm personally against slavery, but I don't want to take away other people's right to own slaves". The baby inside the womb is also a human that deserves to be able to choose what they want to do with their personal life, but in their position in life, he or she can't make that decision…  Read more

 @9GNHRK6 from New York agreed…7mos7MO

All Women should be able to get rid of what is in their body, especially if it was forced upon them. A child would not want to be the son of a rapist or the the outcome of an accident. Women should have kids when they agree and meet with circumstances set within themselves as opposed to what people believe is “morally” correct.

 @9F9NMQ6  from Arkansas disagreed…9mos9MO

There is no arguing with people like that, to be honest. Making rape and incest victims relive their trauma through pregnancy is just pure cruelty. Even when that isn't the situation, pregnancy is incredibly difficult on one's body, no one should be forced to go through it if they are unwilling (coming from someone who has had three successful pregnancies)

 @9FG476MDemocrat from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

I completely agree that no person should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term. It's a taxing and life changing process that can lead to many physical and mental issues. It's cruel not only to the mother to force her to have a baby and change her entire lifestyle and body, but also to the baby who will most likely come into an emotionally absent or difficult childhood if they were an unwanted pregnancy.

 @9FFDTQG from Pennsylvania agreed…9mos9MO

i feel as though people who go through rape trauma should be aloowed to have an abortion because having a child might indeed mean the person might see that rapist in the child, and child abuse might happen within or it could be the total opposite in my opinion what if the victim just leaves the baby on the streets or puts in foster care thats a lot of trauma on one..

 @9FFC5Y9 from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

I agree that people shouldn't be forced to endure a forced pregnancy that they potentially don't want is cruel.

 @9FFBWBP from New York agreed…9mos9MO

I do agree with this statement it should be a woman's choice to choose what happens with her body, nobody else has to live in the trauma that she does of having a child.

 @9FCMC4D  from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

My body, my choice! Also, furthering the trauma of a rape or incest situation by forcing a mother to carry to term is not the way to remedy the traumatic situation, it only makes things worst.

 @9FCQ77Z from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

It is murder and abortionists know it because if they did not they would not bring up reasons such as “no money, no time, not ready” if it wasn’t murder PROLiFERs would have no stance, but we do and they pretend we don’t. You say your body? Okay, but that baby inside of you has its own body, and that is not yours, when you have a baby growing do you have four legs? No. You have two and your baby has two, we know this because of all the abortion studies where they dissect them and bring out pieces of the baby. If it was only your body we could not separate a part easily with little harm to you. Also, for “furthering trauma” abortion can lead to trauma of its own and depression and regret, and no one’s saying she has to keep the baby, just give them a chance at a real life. The child is innocent.

 @9FD3TTC from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

It is not your body, it is the child's. Furthermore, you do not correct sin with sin. That is a crooked way of looking at things. It certainly is a traumatic situation, and taking someone's life would make it worse.


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