Based on my political beliefs, these are the political parties I side with on the issues that are most important to me.
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Here are the political parties ranked from most to least similar to your beliefs.
Here are your answers compared to each political party’s answer.
Social › Planned Parenthood Funding
Agree | me Your answerNo, and the government should not give funds to any organizations that perform abortions |
Libertarians’ similar answerNo, and the government should not give funds to any organizations |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, their services reach far beyond abortions and can save many lives through cancer screening, prenatal services, and adoption referrals |
DisagreeYes |
Domestic Policy › Gun Control
Agree | me Your answerNo, but increase penalties for gun-related crimes |
American’s similar answerNo, only for criminals and the mentally ill |
Similar answerNo |
Republicans’ similar answerNo, and the government should pass a national “stand your ground” law |
Disagree | No disagreeYes, but only by closing the gun show loophole |
DisagreeYes, require strict background checks, psychological testing, and training |
Democrats disagreeYes |
the Economy › Minimum Wage
Agree | me Your answerNo, most minimum wage jobs are meant to develop experience, not support a family |
Similar answerNo, and eliminate all wage standards |
Republicans’ similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and adjust it every year according to inflation |
DisagreeYes, and make it a living wage |
Democrats disagreeYes |
the Economy › Taxes
Agree | me Your answerNo, keep the current tax structure |
Constitution’s similar answerReform to a flat tax |
Republicans’ similar answerNo, and abolish the federal income tax |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Libertarians disagreeAbolish the income tax, disallow all deductions and increase the sales tax |
DisagreeLower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations |
Elections › Right of Foreigners to Vote
Agree | me Your answerNo, only legal citizens should be allowed to vote |
Republicans’ similar answerNo |
Disagree | Working disagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, anyone who pays taxes should have the right to vote |
Women's disagreeYes, but only after living in the country for 5 years |
Green disagreeYes, but they should only be allowed to vote in local elections |
the Economy › Government Spending
Agree | me Your answerYes, but by drastically reducing the benefits and salaries of government officials |
Similar answerYes |
Similar answerYes, and eliminate federal agencies that are unconstitutional |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, increase taxes on the wealthy instead |
DisagreeNo, increase taxes on large multinational corporations instead |
No disagreeNo, focus on ending tax evasion instead |
Healthcare › Obamacare
Agree | me Your answerNo, open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and reduce costs |
Similar answerNo |
Libertarians’ similar answerNo, government should not be involved in healthcare |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, but a mandatory single payer system would be even better |
Democrats disagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, I support a majority of the plan but not all aspects |
the Economy › Paid Sick Leave
Agree | me Your answerNo, private businesses should decide the amount of competitive incentives they offer to employees instead of a government mandate |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, the lack of paid sick leave is unfair to working men and women |
No disagreeYes, but only for companies with 100+ employees |
the Economy › Domestic Jobs
Agree | me Your answerNo, the government should not interfere with the free market |
Similar answerNo, but drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses |
Disagree | No disagreeYes, and drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses |
DisagreeYes |
the Economy › Welfare
Agree | me Your answerMore, reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income |
Similar answerMore |
Disagree | DisagreeFewer |
DisagreeFewer, current benefits do not provide enough support |
Social › LGBT Adoption Rights
Agree | me Your answerYes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | Republicans disagreeNo, and gay couples should not be able to adopt children |
the Economy › Equal Pay
Agree | me Your answerNo, there are too many other variables such as education, experience, and tenure that determine a fair salary |
Similar answerNo, the government should never determine what a private business should pay employees |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Peace and Freedom disagreeYes, and businesses should be required to publish their salary ranges for each position |
Social › Gender Workplace Diversity
Agree | me Your answerNo, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender |
Similar answerNo, the government should never require the diversity of private businesses |
Transhumanist’s similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and the government should do more to require diversity in the workplace |
Women's disagreeYes |
Healthcare › Drug Price Regulation
Agree | me Your answerNo, but shorten the lifespan of drug patents |
Similar answerNo, limiting drug prices would also limit the investment in research and development into new life-saving drugs |
Libertarians’ similar answerNo, and the government should never regulate prices of private businesses |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and we should socialize medicine and healthcare |
DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, and the government should regulate the price of all prescription drugs |
the Economy › Corporate Tax
Agree | me Your answerLower, but eliminate deductions and loop holes |
Similar answerLower |
Disagree | DisagreeIncrease for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses |
DisagreeRaise |
No disagreeKeep current rates but eliminate deductions and loop holes |
Foreign Policy › Terrorism
Agree | me Your answerNo, they are not U.S. citizens and do not have constitutional rights |
Similar answerNo, they should be tried in military tribunals but not subject to torture |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, just like U.S. citizens, terrorists should be given a fair trial in federal courts |
DisagreeYes, give them a fair trial and shut down Guantanamo Bay |
Green disagreeYes |
Elections › Electoral College
Agree | me Your answerNo, the electoral college ensures representation of the whole country instead of just major cities |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and switch to a representative democracy (popular vote) system |
DisagreeYes, and switch to a ranked voting system |
DisagreeYes |
Social › Safe Spaces
Agree | me Your answerNo |
Constitution’s similar answerNo, college is meant to challenge students thoughts and opinions so they are prepared for real life |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Transhumanist disagreeYes, provide trigger warnings but students do not need safe spaces |
the Economy › Welfare Drug Testing
Agree | me Your answerYes, and immediately terminate benefits for anyone testing positive |
Similar answerYes, but provide treatment for those testing positive |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, this is a waste of time and money |
DisagreeNo |
Constitution disagreeRegardless, we should end all social welfare programs |
Social › Abortion
Agree | me Your answerPro-life, with medical exemptions. |
Similar answerPro-life |
Republicans’ similar answerPro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child |
Disagree | DisagreePro-choice |
DisagreePro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions |
the Environment › Climate Change
Agree | me Your answerNo, and global warming is a natural occurrence |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production |
Green disagreeYes |
Crime › Police Body Cameras
Agree | me Your answerYes, this will protect the safety and rights of police officers and citizens |
Republicans’ similar answerYes, but only for patrol officers in high crime areas |
Similar answerYes |
Social › Women in Combat
Agree | me Your answerYes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men |
Similar answerYes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | Republicans disagreeNo |
Domestic Policy › Muslim Surveillance
Agree | me Your answerNo, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion |
Similar answerNo, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, racist, and incendiary |
Disagree | Transhumanist disagreeYes, and increase surveillance on all new immigrants |
National Security › Foreign Assassination
Agree | me Your answerNo, they should be captured and given a fair trial |
Similar answerNo, capture, interrogate, and imprison them instead |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | Democrats disagreeYes |
Republicans disagreeYes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they have committed an attack against our country |
Science › Mandatory Vaccinations
Agree | me Your answerRegardless, this should be decided at the state level |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Libertarians disagreeNo |
DisagreeYes, they are essential to protecting other children who are too young to be vaccinated |
DisagreeYes, but with exceptions for those whose religious beliefs forbid use of vaccines |
Transhumanist disagreeYes, but only for deadly contagious diseases |
Social › Gay Marriage
Agree | me Your answerYes, but allow churches the right to refuse same-sex ceremonies |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman |
American disagreeNo |
Immigration › Border Wall
Agree | me Your answerNo, this would be too costly and ineffective |
Similar answerNo |
Similar answerNo, and we should adopt an open border policy |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
No disagreeYes, but make it a high-tech surveillance barrier instead of a physical one |
Social › Gender Identity
Agree | me Your answerNo |
Constitution’s similar answerNo, and repeal anti-discrimination laws for private companies |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, and the government should do more to protect minorities from discrimination |
Crime › Solitary Confinement for Juveniles
Agree | me Your answerNo, it is necessary for violent criminals who are a danger to themselves and other inmates |
Transhumanist’s similar answerNo, but it is currently being overused |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, and we should create more social programs to help prevent and rehabilitate criminals |
Constitution disagreeYes, it is severely psychologically damaging to young undeveloped minds |
Social › Confederate Flag
Agree | me Your answerYes, each state should have the right to display any flag they choose |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, it is a symbol of racism, separatism and treason |
No disagreeNo, it should be put in a museum where it was originally flown |
DisagreeNo |
Education › Student Loans
Agree | me Your answerNo, but we should still reduce interest rates for student loans |
Similar answerNo |
Libertarians’ similar answerNo, and transition all current government student loans into privately managed accounts |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and increase government funding so every student receives a free college education |
DisagreeYes |
the Environment › Plastic Product Ban
Agree | me Your answerNo, increase consumer incentives to recycle these products instead |
Similar answerNo |
Similar answerNo, but increase tax incentives for companies that make biodegradable products |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and ban all disposable products that are not made of at least 75% of biodegradable material |
DisagreeYes |
Social › Marital Rape
Disagree | me Your answerNo, it should be classified as domestic violence |
DisagreeYes |
the Environment › Dakota Access Pipeline
Agree | me Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, but reroute the pipeline away from Native American land |
Transhumanist’s similar answerNo, but drastically increase the amount of fines the company must pay in the event of an accident |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, and the government should never be allowed to acquire land by eminent domain |
DisagreeYes |
Immigration › Immigration Healthcare
Agree | me Your answerNo, but they should be allowed to purchase private healthcare |
Constitution’s similar answerNo, and we should deport all illegal immigrants |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, but only for life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases |
No disagreeYes, if they pay taxes |
Peace and Freedom disagreeYes, and grant them citizenship |
the Environment › Alternative Energy
Agree | me Your answerNo, wind power is an inferior alternative to oil, coal, and nuclear power |
Constitution’s similar answerNo, and the government should never support unproven technologies |
Republicans’ similar answerNo |
Libertarians’ similar answerNo, end all tax credits and subsidies to the energy industry |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, the government should support more sustainable energy technologies |
Democrats disagreeYes |
Socialist disagreeYes, wind power is the best alternative to coal and natural gas |
Social › Government Mandates
Agree | me Your answerNo, the government should not decide what services a private business can provide |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, except for religious organizations and charities that oppose the use of contraception |
Immigration › Deporting Criminal Immigrants
Agree | me Your answerYes, but after they have finished serving their sentence |
Similar answerYes, as long as it is safe for them to return to their country |
Republicans’ similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, only if they have entered the country illegally |
Science › GMO Labels
Agree | me Your answerRegardless, producers should not be allowed to patent foods |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Libertarians disagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, GMOs are the most promising solution to ending world hunger |
DisagreeYes, consumers have a right to know what is in their food |
Socialist disagreeYes, and producers should not be allowed to patent foods |
Crime › Criminal Voting Rights
Agree | me Your answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation |
No’s political party support base disagreesYes, except for felons convicted of murder or violent crimes |
DisagreeYes, every citizen deserves the right to vote |
Social › Death Penalty
Agree | me Your answerYes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Women's disagreeNo, too many people are innocently convicted |
Transhumanist disagreeNo, because technology will allow us in a decades time to offer structural changes in the brain to make criminals into good people. We must wait until then, and give them this choice. |
Science › Nuclear Energy
Agree | me Your answerYes, and nationalize the industry |
No’s similar answerYes, temporarily while we increase investment into cleaner renewable alternatives |
Similar answerYes |
Similar answerYes, as long as there is no public subsidy |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, we should invest in cleaner alternatives such as wind, hydroelectric, thorium, and geothermal |
DisagreeNo |
Social › First Amendment
Agree | me Your answerNo, as long as it does not reference a specific religion |
Similar answerNo, religion is an important aspect of our country’s history |
No’s political party support base similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, it creates a bias against religions that do not believe in God |
DisagreeYes |
Women's disagreeYes, but do not waste money removing existing references |
the Environment › Fracking
Agree | me Your answerYes, but increase oversight |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead |
DisagreeNo, more research is needed to measure the long term effects of fracking |
Foreign Policy › Military Spending
Agree | me Your answerDecrease |
Disagree | DisagreeIncrease, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced |
DisagreeIncrease |
Education › Common Core
Agree | me Your answerNo, teach to each student's potential instead of uniform testing |
Similar answerNo |
Green’s similar answerNo, it is a waste of time and effort to change my state’s current educational standards |
American’s similar answerNo, education should be handled at the state and local level instead of the national level |
Disagree | Democrats disagreeYes, I support the concept but not the current implementation |
DisagreeYes, national standards will help improve our national average and better prepare students for college |
No disagreeYes, I support a national base standard but allow states and local districts to customize their implementation |
Social › Euthanasia
Agree | me Your answerYes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Elections › Voter Fraud
Agree | me Your answerYes, this will prevent voter fraud |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, this will disadvantage those who do not have the resources to obtain one |
Socialist disagreeNo, and lower the voting age to 15. |
Social › Religious Freedom Act
Agree | me Your answerYes |
Libertarians’ similar answerYes, any business should be able to deny service for any reason |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, all customers deserve to be treated equally |
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Based on 3 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked somewhat important to you.
Here is how you compare to your political parties on popular political themes.
You side moderately towards “capitalism”, meaning you support an economic system that features private ownership of wealth. This theme is most important to you.
You side moderately towards “deregulation”, meaning you believe that government regulation stifles innovation and economic prosperity. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “politically incorrect”, meaning you believe our society is becoming too sensitive to language that is direct and honest. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “unilateralism”, meaning you believe policy decisions should be made solely by those who are most affected by the outcome of the decision, despite opposition from those who are less affected or not affected by the outcome of the decision. This theme is more important to you.
You side strongly towards “right wing”, meaning you strongly support policies that promote economic freedom and a society based on morals and values. This theme is more important to you.
You side extremely towards “individualism”, meaning you very strongly support free market policies that create opportunity for personal liberty and success. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side strongly towards “small government”, meaning you strongly believe the government is overly bureaucratic, inefficient, and wasteful. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side moderately towards “tough”, meaning you believe in tough love and have little sympathy for those that break the law or make bad choices. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side strongly towards “security”, meaning you strongly believe the government should do everything within its power to ensure the security of its citizens. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You are a centrist on libertarian and authoritarian issues. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side strongly towards “assimilation”, meaning you strongly believe we should be a unified culture. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side moderately towards “anthropocentrism”, meaning you believe humankind is the central element of existence. This theme is only less important to you.
You side moderately towards “pacifism”, meaning you believe we should use non-violent diplomatic discussion to resolve conflicts. This theme is only less important to you.
You side slightly towards “nationalism”, meaning you more often support policies that prioritize the interests of our nation above others. This theme is only less important to you.
You side moderately towards “traditional”, meaning you believe we should be a civilized nation that honors traditional morals and values. This theme is only less important to you.
You side moderately towards “religious”, meaning you support policies that reflect religious values and principles. This theme is only less important to you.
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