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Medicaid is important because it ensures our elderly have all the chances of receiving medical care as any other American.

 @WidgeonEddieLibertarianfrom Maine disagreed…9mos9MO

While I wholeheartedly agree that our elderly deserve the best care, it's worth noting that Medicaid isn't their primary source of health coverage - that would be Medicare. That being said, Medicaid does supplement Medicare for low-income seniors, covering costs that Medicare doesn't.

However, the question here is whether more federal funding should be allocated to Medicaid. One argument against this is that increasing funding might discourage states from managing their Medicaid programs efficiently. For example, if a state knows it will receive more federal funds, it may be less incentivized to control costs.

What do you think about this? Could there be a way to increase funding while still encouraging states to manage their programs effectively?

 @9FTPTYL from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Many American citizens can't afford healthcare so it's important for the people of the U.S. to get good healthcare.

 @9FD6XBF from Mississippi disagreed…9mos9MO

While medicate might provide our elderly with medical care, the costs and processes to get it and it work are not benefiting to the individual as they will end up paying more for health care in the end.

 @The-Patriot  from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Instead of receiving public funds for health care, taxes should be reduced and social security should be capped at its current rates and participants so citizens can save up for their retirement out of their own personal income.

 @9F8TRQG from California disagreed…9mos9MO

seeing how low income people are more prone to disease and sickness, taking medicaid away would just allow more people to die due to not being able to afford healthcare.

 @9GXG9S6 from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

It allows people with low income to get health insurance when the government otherwise would not provide them with good coverage.

 @9GXHFL3 from California agreed…7mos7MO

I agree especially because this country seems to have a vendetta against those in low-income households.

 @9F8B6V6 from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Not every person is above the poverty line and for those who have multiple kids, it'd be harder to pay for health insurance.

 @9H2D7BG  from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

Many people on medicaid can´t afford anything better, and if they get really sick, medicaid will help, especially if it is raised.

 @9H3G4VR from California agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this comment, but only the part where it mentions that they can't afford anything better. You always want to make sure that you know exactly what's true.

 @9F7W2TX from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Healthcare is expensive, medicaid covers the costs for those who do not have the money to pay for healthcare. All low-income citizens should be able to be in good health.

 @9F7PNMQ from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Medicaid saves millions of Americans every year and I believe medical care is a basic human right. When someone is either injured or ill, most people have the decency to help and care for the wounded. The abolition of Medicaid is the worst idea I've ever heard. Unless the abolition is done to create a better system of taking care of low-income households there should not be any change.

 @9F7Y5N9 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Medicaid saves millions of Americans every year and I believe medical care is a basic human right. When someone is either injured or ill, most people have the decency to help and care for the wounded. The abolition of Medicaid is the worst idea I've ever heard. Unless the abolition is done to create a better system of taking care of low-income households there should not be any change.

 @9F7P2RL from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

Without Medicaid millions of people wouldn't be able to get help because they wouldn't be able to afford it

 @9F827RF from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Medicaid is important because it helps families who would other wise not be able to afford health care.

 @9GX92W7 from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

those who don't have enough money or aren't living with their parents still need insurance. they are human as well and need to go to the doctors too.

 @9GTXTL9Republican from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Medicaid should not be abolished because it helps a lot of people who can't afford the expenses of Healthcare

 @9F87T2HPeace and Freedom from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Medicaid shouldn't be abolished due to many low income families that are being helped with state insurance.

 @9GSY5PP from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

Many people who are disabled or elderly don't have that time and strength to be able to support themselves without any help. medicaid helps people who can afford certain medicine who needs help with providing certain things for themselves. Those people can't easily go and find a job anywhere not everyone accepts people with a disability or a person who doesn't work at a fast paste for them.

 @9F7R9N4 from Louisiana disagreed…9mos9MO

Medicaid provides medical care to millions of Americans who could otherwise not afford life-saving care. Many rely on the care they can only receive because of Medicaid to remain active in the workforce and live longer healthier, and happier lives. Abolishing Medicaid not only hurts the American people but is a blatant attack on the poor. Medicaid saves lives.

 @9F7SZS3 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

And provide a better universal healthcare plan you can apply to, and restrict/tax healthcare providers who rack up healthcare prices, pharmaceutical producers, and business that exploit the health sector.

 @9F7FYRDProgressive from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Low income population suffer from diseases at a greater extend and are prone to life-threatening diseases, so they should be able to attain even greater Medicaid benefits.

 @9H22V6NDemocrat from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

My mother cannot survive her health problems without the help of this insurance, she is in a risky position and she needs this.


Our country has become extremely selfish and money-hungry. Refusing medical care to someone because they cannot pay a fee should be considered murder. Knowingly letting someone die because they cannot pay YOUR bills is wrong. We need to take more action to provide for low-income individuals or people who do not have health insurance.

 @9H23MV8 from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

people should not have to pay for life for food for a home nothing that's a esential so life should be given if your a American.

 @9H2394Y from Georgia commented…7mos7MO

Under my administration health care costs less so this would be easer to help with.

 @9GYMQ2M from New Mexico disagreed…7mos7MO

Why should someone not have access to getting medical care. If someone cannot afford to get the care they need they should be given the care regardless and not be concerned about trying to pay it off. Why should someone die or live a life of pain and suffering just due to the fact they cannot afford it.

 @9F6ZCC8 from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

You never know what someone is dealing with health-wise. Don't stop them from getting treatment for it.

 @9F54RTJGreen from Idaho disagreed…9mos9MO

Medicaid provides medical care to millions of Americans who could otherwise not afford life saving care. Many rely on the care they can only recieve because of Medicaid to remain active in the workforce and live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Abolishing medicaid not only hurts the American people but is a blatant attack on the poor. Medicaid saves lives.

 @EnragedPr0p0rtionalLibertarian from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

While it is undeniable that Medicaid provides essential services to a substantial number of Americans, it's also important to consider the program's sustainability and efficiency. For instance, research shows that Medicaid patients often face longer wait times and have less access to specialty care, which can affect their health outcomes. Additionally, the program's cost has grown significantly over time, from $456 billion in 2013 to approximately $613 billion in 2019. Given these issues, a potential solution could be to design an alternative system that combines public and private resources, ensuring both affordability and effectiveness. This could involve measures such as value-based care, where providers are incentivized to improve patient outcomes. What are your thoughts on this approach?

 @9F73WF3 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Medicaid is really important for so many Americans, and without it they would have no healthcare at all. Medicaid needs to be funded more to make sure people who can't afford healthcare are getting the healthcare they need and deserve.

 @9H5K36Z from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

People with low income require it to survive, and it's very immoral and wrong to take away their ability to access medicine that is required to live.

 @9H5KG48Socialist from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this comment about Medicaid. I believe everyone should have equal access to medicine and healthcare. It is inhumane to deny a person from receiving proper healthcare.


As America, we are one of the most of unhealthist countries out there. Having more Medicaid espically as we progressively decline in health is better. It allows more of us to receieve medical help when we need it. Its already been proved that medical facilitices do up charge most of their patients. Most people don't seek medicine help because of how much it will effect them financially.

 @9GV6SR6 from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

If you're going to abolish Medicaid than you should make a universal healthcare system that's free for everyone.

 @9F6GVQG from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

It should not be taken away. It helps so many low-income people and families and without it they will struggle to get the care that they need.

 @9GY4HCVfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Lack of universal healthcare programs may become a disaster if a lethal pandemic (such as COVID 19) becomes an urgent issue again. Universal healthcare may also decrease the inequality between the rich and the poor, due to the fact that the less prosperous groups will have an opportunity to get treatment they need, thus increasing their lifespan

 @9F64DDL from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

medicare gives vulnerable populations such as low-income families, children, the elderly, and the disabled access to healthcare

 @9GXD628 from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Medicaid is used by many citizens, it doesn't matter if your tax dollars could be going somewhere "more useful" because if you were in the position that you needed Medicaid you would not feel this way.

 @9GTZ2PX from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

with out Medicaid people are not getting token care of properly even the vets that have fought for us would not have Medicaid if we abolish it

 @9GY7ZZW from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

There are families, who work hard but can't afford numerous medicines and such, that should be aloud to use Medicaid.

 @9GTK7NXPeace and Freedom from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

There are a lot of individually in need of health care, so I think it's important for them to be able to afford .

 @9H4T5KGDemocrat from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

All people need healthcare, regardless of income. If someone is low income, they should still be allowed to access healthcare.

 @9FGF35H from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Medicaid should be available to low income families. Everyone should be able to have access to health care no matter their income values. That is a human right.

 @9GX7F56 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Abolishing healthcare help is not going to better the country. It will actually cause more health issues like spread of diseases and other bigger illness. Also our life expectancy would decrease, meaning more people and children dying which can affect the economy as a whole.

 @9FLPRV5 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes, and do not abolish Medicaid. Many people struggle to make ends meet even without healthcare and dental care. Other countries have free healthcare and dental care, yet America forces their people to pay for healthcare and dental care, and then tax them if they can't afford it. That makes no sense and is putting people further into debt by taxing them.

 @9FG4W75 from New Mexico disagreed…9mos9MO

There is elderly people and sick people in need who can't get any help or provide for themselves. They NEED help. They are probably retired and aren't making much money and need the extra help.

 @9GLFDH3 from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

Medicaid holds up many of those who, for varying reasons, cannot pay for their own medical bills. Numerous Americans depend on this form of welfare in order to live healthy lives.

 @9GYJ5LMPeace and Freedom from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

Many American citizens can't afford healthcare so it's important for the people of the U.S. to get good healthcare


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