Try the political quiz

5 Replies


Johnson condemns lawmaker fighting at hearing: ‘Not a good look’…

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) condemned the tone of a raucous Thursday night House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing saying members need to show decorum. “It’s not a good look for Congress,


Body shaming, IQ insults and cross talk: House committee meeting devolves into chaos amid personal insults…

Ga., responded to a question from Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, by saying, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”


Do you think personal attacks in political debates distract from important issues? Why or why not?


If you were a member of Congress, how would you handle disagreements with colleagues to ensure a respectful discourse?


How do personal insults among lawmakers affect your trust in the decisions they make for the country?