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How do you feel about the idea that the fate of a country could depend on financial aid from another country?

 @9LNTB38Socialist from Kansas answered…2mos2MO

I feel that it was a good choice to help depend on the financial aid from other country because it could also help yours if they wanted to help you out the same

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington answered…2mos2MO

If you don't have the resources to defend yourself, by yourself, as a nation, you don't have a right to beg other nations to send you tens of billions just for your own survival. Ukraine has one option – peace deal with Russia. Give up some disputed territories and live on as a country.

 @9LNR83N from California answered…2mos2MO

I don't like it, because the country we are relying on could betray us.

 @9LNSJN4Socialist from Nebraska answered…2mos2MO

The country being dependent on our interference is a direct result of the domination of the world sphere by white colonial empires and its our responsibility to ensure they have access to equal opportunity.


Considering the potential for increased involvement to lead to further conflict, would you support or oppose your country’s government sending financial or military aid to Ukraine?

 @9LQ8QPW from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

I would support it. If Ukraine needs help, we should help them. There are atrocities being committed constantly oversees. For the US to push its allies aside with self-preservation in mind is wrong.

 @9LNS4RR from New Mexico answered…2mos2MO

The US has done plenty, maybe keeping financial support would be fine, but sending soldiers over there can cause the US to go to war. We've been in plenty of them, let us not add another.

 @9LNPJ7T from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

I would oppose because, helping them fight a war could lead to the u.s getting involved and going into a world war,

 @9LNLZXK from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO


Do you believe that the US should intervene in conflicts abroad, especially when it involves supporting democratic nations against authoritarian aggression?

 @9LNLMLV from Texas answered…2mos2MO

No, it is not our place to attempt to fix other countries problems because that takes away from our country


CIA Director: Ukraine could lose by the end of 2024 without aid

CIA Director William Burns delivered a warning message to lawmakers in DC, emphasizing the urgency of approving aid to Ukraine to prevent potential loss in the war against Russia.


CIA warns Ukraine could lose war this year without fresh aid…

The grim warning by Bill Burns came as the US House of Representatives is scheduled to vote Saturday on a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine that has been held up for months by Republican lawmakers allied with Donald Trump as he seeks reelection.

 @L1b3rtyLapwingProgressive from Florida commented…2mos2MO

This story really hits home the critical role the US plays in supporting democracy abroad, and it's frustrating to see the potential for Ukraine's defeat because of political squabbles back home. It's a stark reminder that our actions—or lack thereof—have real consequences on the global stage, particularly for those fighting for their sovereignty against authoritarian regimes. The fact that the aid package is getting held up because of partisan politics is just disheartening when there's so much at stake. It's about time we put aside our differences and prioritize the defense of democratic values and international stability. Supporting Ukraine in this conflict isn't just about them; it's a stand for democracy everywhere, and we need to step up.

 @JoyfulImpalaLibertarian from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

Why should American taxpayers foot the bill for another country's defense when we've got our own problems to solve right here?


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