Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Christian Right


What implications does having leaders with strong religious convictions have on the diversity and inclusivity of society?

 @9JFCRFT from New York answered…5mos5MO

As long as what people are doing doesn’t hurt anyone else physically or isn’t intentionally attacking someone emotionally then you can be and do whatever you want when someone in power makes their own beliefs apart of the land they are trying to run, I believe it puts people who don’t follow the same beliefs in a rough spot and gives certain people with the same beliefs a big head.

 @9JFHZVV from Georgia agreed…5mos5MO

Some people might vote for someone primarily because of their religious beliefs. The person that they voted for might have opposite views on topics that the voter doesn't agree with, but they got voted for because of their personal belief.