Try the political quiz

2 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

If you want to go into specifics, I am ready. I Brough up the Question Begging Fallacy only when it was clearly part of a logical argument, in which case it clearly is wrong and irrational to use. If using the Laws of Logic to identify fallacies just so happens to support my preconceived worldview, that's to be expected, as, after looking at massive amounts of evidence and positions on both sides, I chose my view specifically because I thought it was logical. I never confused logic with facts, as the information these users brought up was, at best, controversial, and had not yet been est…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…4mos4MO

You keep overlooking the most important part: you're using these fallacies wrong. The other people you argue against are literally not using fallacies at all; in fact, they oftentimes aren't even using a structured argumentative format to begin with (neither are you or I), because that's not how normal communication works. You simply don't like that they're telling you they think your opinions are bad because x, y, and z, so you resort to calling out fallacies that don't actually exist as some kind of means of handwaving away their criticisms against your own personal values or premises.

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