Try the political quiz

29 Replies

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…5mos5MO

If the laws of logic "absolutely are not a governing force of the universe itself" why do we never get x-and-not-x at the same time, in the same sense? Why is, for example, a celestial body never both a neutron star and not a neutron star at the same time?

You seem to be under the impression that "logic" is some kind of physical force that the universe must adhere to, instead of simply a man-made means for us to maintain a sense of objectivity within the world around us, which is a fundamental misunderstanding of what "logic" is in the first place. A celestial bod…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…5mos5MO

The laws of logic DO only exist inside our brains because that is where our thoughts are. Without thought, there is no logic to think of in the first place. The laws of logic do not apply to the universe, WE are applying the laws of logic ONTO the universe.

If the laws of logic only exist because of thought, why do we need laws of logic to correct our thoughts?

If there is no "objective basis for morality ... [and it] is completely made up" then why have you repeatedly claimed that it is "wrong" to deny a woman her "bodily autonomy" by restricting abortion, and why have also claimed that it is "wrong" for capitalists to "exploit" workers? You never said that you personally believe those to be wrong, rather you claimed that they are self-evidently wrong, and that government, or society, or the maj…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…5mos5MO

If the laws of logic only exist because of thought, why do we need laws of logic to correct our thoughts?

What do you even mean by "correct our thoughts"..? And why do you think that thought isn't also just as necessary in doing that? Being introspective of your own thoughts...also requires thought. There is literally no world in which logic is even capable of being used without thought, because that's where it comes from.

If there is no "objective basis for morality ... [and it] is completely made up" then why have you repeatedly claimed that it is "wrong&qu…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…5mos5MO

(1) By "correct our thoughts" I mean that, as individuals sometimes violate the principles of correct reasoning in favour of emotionalism, we need laws of logic in order to ensure we are reasoning correctly. If laws of logic were based upon what we as human beings think, then they could not be used as a tool to think or reason correctly. History demonstrates that it is the tendency of humanity to be irrational and emotional, so how could a system based upon irrational and emotional thoughts possibly be a determiner of correct reasoning and argumentation?

(2) I cannot but express dism…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…5mos5MO individuals sometimes violate the principles of correct reasoning in favour of emotionalism...

I would first like to point out that "emotion" is not the opposite of logic. That kind of "logic vs emotion" mentality is incredibly silly and often just leads people to ignorantly assume that their own emotional beliefs are somehow "not emotional" but simply based on "facts and logic" alone.

...we need laws of logic in order to ensure we are reasoning correctly...

Sure, in terms of what we consider a "good/sound argument", yes. Again, the laws…  Read more

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