Try the political quiz

289 Replies


When has a book, movie, or historical event challenged or reinforced your views on individual rights?

 @9KT8F88  from Utah answered…3mos3MO

 @9KT86M3 from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

Reading Beloved opened my eyes to the horrors that many slaves or ex slaves faced and still ripple through society today.

 @9KT7DPD from Utah answered…3mos3MO

When I watched "The Help" and the movie "Selma" my eyes were opened to the devasting effects that racism had caused.


Do you feel that our education system encourages individual thought or promotes standardization?

 @9JL29Q2 from Texas answered…4mos4MO

It promotes standardization with any concessions for people with mental or physical issues being hard to come by.

 @9JKZDZH from Colorado answered…4mos4MO

I feel that the education system encourages individual thought a little too much. They need to stop allowing trans to go into opposite bathrooms. It is creating an unnatural unsafe place.

 @9JKZ98T from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Our education system is based on the premise that rewards test scores over genuinely teaching a healthy curriculum because test scores are more profitable.

 @9JKZYZD from West Virginia answered…4mos4MO

some places encourage us to be individuals but some places want you to be the same in almost every aspect of life


What's a unique perspective or talent you bring to your friend group, and how is it valued?

 @9LFN5XL  from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

i am social and outgoing; they see me as very entrepreneurial like

 @9LJPCYB from Missouri agreed…2mos2MO

Someone with good social skills and charisma would fit well in the business industry and be able to persuade individuals to buy their service or product being sold.

 @9LFNFQZPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I bring advice and good insight on situations my friends go through. I bring the light and motivation in the darkness.

 @9LFN6J3 answered…2mos2MO

i am a real therapeutic person i bring comfort to the people i am around


In what moment did you feel your personal freedom was most challenged, and how did you respond?

 @9HGDK53Independent from New York answered…6mos6MO

At school they lock all the bathrooms during, 3rd period and no one can use them. I responded by letting some faculty know that this isn't right because it is taking away our rights to use the bathroom whenever we need regardless if we have enough staff to watch the bathrooms or not it is unjust and honestly just incredibly rude.

 @9HGD9R4 from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

 @9HGDBPK from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

 @9HGD8NN from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

Being taken away from my home town after that i shut myself off from everything else


In what ways have you customized your education or career path to better fit your individual strengths?

 @9KF86WH from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I left the country and viewed how others live their life. What matters and what doesn’t matter. Sometimes we are so entitled and get caught up on the unimportant things.

 @9KF869Y from California answered…3mos3MO

I'm in a business academy at my high school and a lot of my classes are tailored to my interests.

 @9KF83VX from California answered…3mos3MO

Most likely this wont happen but there should be a program where certain time of the year to each state should collaborate on setting up certain centers around there states to give a job experiences of being a doctor, engineer, vetinarian, teacher, technician, and etc.


How much should one sacrifice individual comfort for the chance to make a societal impact?

 @9JQ45YX from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

we should not have to sacrifice much to live in a peaceful society, everyone should do their part to make it a good environment

 @9JQ885TRepublican from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

This is the best answer because you always have to put others before yourself.

 @9JQ65SL from Texas answered…4mos4MO

As much as they want, up to the point where their basic human needs are not meet

 @9JQ3Z3K from Nebraska answered…4mos4MO

As long as there are hopes of making an impact, they should go head first into making reform.


How does your culture view the idea of working primarily for personal gain versus community benefit?

 @9J2XCVKPeace and Freedomanswered…5mos5MO

We just want to provide and survive, not really caring about the community

 @9J2X3C4 from Colorado answered…5mos5MO

Different cultures have a different view of work, for mine we view work as survival and not caring about the community and being friendly, but mostly about survival and providing for our family, and work with the very few materials we have and opprotunittes.

 @9J2XTBX from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

most of my generation, see it more to be for themselves and not for anyone else. But, i just hope someday that they all can see that we are all the same, of flesh, blood, and life.


How can we encourage individual talents while still promoting teamwork and collaboration?

 @9HGC54V  from Minnesota answered…6mos6MO

We can encourage teamwork and collaboration by putting it in schools and work places to also give us communication skills and different things that come with this.


 @9HGC4ZCPeace and Freedom from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Offer more opportunities when starting their own businesses or entrepreneurial ventures.


We can make teams of people with very similar talents while pairing them with another group of opposite talents


How does your personal identity shape your interactions with others who have different beliefs or backgrounds?

 @9LCJCJJ from California answered…2mos2MO

Personally, I have become more open to others ideals because I myself have experienced different cultures and have a broader view on the world and the people in it.

 @9LF7XFGfrom Guam disagreed…2mos2MO

Interact with those individuals still stuck in the Medieval era. See how your benevolence is treated as weakness. When all avenues for negotiation are exhausted, because they only believe in force, you will not become more open.

 @9LCK8J3Democrat from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

A person's understanding of their own and other's identities develops from birth and is shaped by the values and attitudes prevalent at home and in the surrounding community.

 @9LCJBRXRepublican from South Dakota answered…2mos2MO

I am open to their Ideas and I don't let it get in the way of my thoughts on them, unless they are very ritualistic and into sacrificial stuff.


Discuss a situation where individual rights seem to conflict with community safety — where should the line be drawn?

 @9HGHYMT from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

Individual rights should be protected unless someone uses those same rights to attack others

 @9HGKS23 from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

In the terms of the right to bear arms, yes citizens should be able to have a firearm to keep for an instance for self-defense. That line needs to be drawn when people start to go through the US's lax gun purchasing process and go into schools or other public places and kill innocent people.

 @9HGJ8PBDemocrat from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

 @9HGJ649 from Missouri answered…6mos6MO


How does the pressure to conform in school settings affect your ability to be your true self?

 @9JKXV5DRepublican from Texas answered…4mos4MO

it can either push you away from things or towards things but you can always choose your own path

 @9JKY9DL from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

That we are given enough time to be independent so we can not individualism.


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