Try the political quiz

217 Replies


What qualities do you think are essential for someone to contribute effectively to societal decision-making?

 @9L5YHW4Republican from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

Being knowledgeable and respectful of others. You should know what you are talking about, and you should try to understand both perspectives of an issue.

 @9L5XTNJ from Iowa answered…2mos2MO

Some qualities I think are essential for someone to contribute are responsibility and respect

 @9L5XJ4FIndependent from Iowa answered…2mos2MO


How important is it to have leaders who understand detailed technical issues versus those who understand people's feelings?

 @9HZNMN8 from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

It's important for leaders to understand details technical issues and people's feelings. Leaders who are able to understand will better enable the leader to provide a reasonable solution for peoples feelings.

 @9HV368R from Delaware answered…5mos5MO

It is important for a leader to understand both detailed technical issues and feelings of people. Understanding the detailed technicallity of issues will better enable the leader to provide a plausible solution for the peoples feelings.


How would you feel if local community projects were decided by consensus rather than authority, and why?

 @9KVB8T9Independent from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

Coming from a small town, I trust my elected local officials to make sound decisions, as long as they allow for community input.

 @9KVB4LR from Washington answered…3mos3MO

ban guns ban govermental power unless its secret or sum shiet anarchy will strengthen the human race if we dont change we will go extinct


How could your school experience be different if policies were decided by a mix of student input, teacher expertise, and academic achievement?

 @9L5CNXH from Louisiana answered…2mos2MO

my school experience could be different if school policies were decided by a

 @9L5CNFN from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

I think I would thrive better and be more productive because everyones input is taken into account and I can learn through the methods that work best for me.


With the concept of Tridemism, how would you imagine the process of electing or appointing leaders to change?

 @9HDJ4SRfrom Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

Considering the concept of Tridemism, envisioning a transformative process for electing or appointing leaders involves a comprehensive and inclusive approach. Tridemism emphasizes the importance of a three-fold leadership structure, possibly incorporating executive, legislative, and judicial branches or their equivalents. To bring about change in leader selection, it would be vital to establish transparent and participatory mechanisms. This could include a combination of popular votes, expert evaluations, and peer assessments to ensure a holistic representation of diverse perspectives. The…  Read more


How would you react if your country decided to transition to a system of Tridemism?


I would be skeptical at first, but based on the 3 principles it could potentially work


Is there a place in your life where you would prefer decisions to be made through consensus rather than expertise, or vice versa?

 @9J6Y97L from California answered…5mos5MO

Mostly expertise because it is their job, however there are probably some social issues where taking in the consensus would be more beneficial.

 @9J6Y3XY from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

Yes, because even though a person may be a "expert" doesn't mean they know exactly what they people want so they should get a vote.


What concerns might arise if we rely too heavily on technological solutions for societal problems?

 @9HH3P77 from Florida answered…6mos6MO

When it comes to relying too heavily on technology for societal problems, some concerns that might arise are the potential for increased inequality, loss of human connection, and privacy issues. It's important to find a balance and consider the potential consequences.


In which scenarios do you think the general public should have more say than experts?

 @9HZMNVR  from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

Education because we are the ones in it and others are just watching from a glass window.


How might global challenges like climate change be approached differently in a government system that emphasizes expertise?

 @9HVG2QYRepublican from Wyoming answered…5mos5MO

We need to end the climate change movement. Its a hoax. Its the wet blanket on the economy.


If you could create a new system of governance, what would be the most important principle it should uphold?

 @9J3C6S2 from Ohio answered…5mos5MO


How do you feel about the idea of Tridemism influencing the way our government makes decisions?

 @9HF4XHK from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

i think that they should do that because they dont know how everyone else will feel about there decisions


Do you think a balance of expertise, popular vote, and merit can exist in a government without one overpowering the others?

 @9HPX5MQ from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

Yes, like the branches of government the just have to equally share the power.


Could you imagine a situation where the expertise of a few could better represent the interests of the many?

 @9K9FSP6Democrat from California answered…3mos3MO

Yes, most experts understand what they are talking about and are better informed than most people.


What would you consider the ideal balance between public opinion, merit, and technical expertise in creating laws?

 @9KG3GH8Libertarian from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

If I knew the answer to this question I wouldn’t be where I am now. lol


When it comes to your health, would you prefer decisions made by medical professionals or through public consensus?

 @9JC92ZBDemocrat from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

i rather medical professionals because they know more then people who didnt go to school for that type of stuff


When considering your future, how important is it that those making influential decisions are the best in their field?

 @9K8QQYW from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

Yes, because they should be balanced with other considerations to promote fairness, inclusivity, and transparency in the decision-making process.


What would your ideal approach be for integrating merit into the selection process for leaders?

 @9LF9NT8 from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

I would make it a very important process that each step is important. I think before but decisions we need to do better at doing the proper steps for it.


How would you prioritize between environmental protection decided by experts and economic concerns voted by the public?

 @9JP439R from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

Side with the science! People may not like or understand it, but it’s real.


If you could adjust the balance of power where you study or work, what changes would you make and why?

 @9JJ7V69 from Texas answered…4mos4MO


How can we ensure everyone feels included in a system where key decisions may be made by selected experts?

 @9JQMXBD from New York answered…4mos4MO


What role do empathy and understanding play in a system where not every decision is made by popular vote?


How can we cultivate a culture that appreciates expert advice while retaining democratic values?


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