Try the political quiz

285 Replies


How do you feel about striking a balance between innovation in technology and privacy concerns?

 @9LJ46RMSocialist from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

I think there needs to be high privacy regulations to protect consumers and the general public from big corporations profiting from peoples information.

 @9LK3SKR  from Iowa agreed…2mos2MO

theres more to life than profiting off of everything, and once something is on the internet, it's hard for it to go away, so keep my data safe.

 @9LJ3GQG from Maryland answered…2mos2MO

Privacy needs to keep a firm housing withing every social media and tech company

 @9LJ3S4P from West Virginia answered…2mos2MO

 @9LJ3ZZ7 from Tennessee answered…2mos2MO

I agree to my limited understanding of the topic, every citizen should have a say in who can intervene in their private affairs. if someone wants a limited life, away from technology then they have the freedom to do so. its not hurting me or my chances of getting at new technologies.


How should a society cope with the tension between encouraging innovation and preserving cultural heritage?

 @9J26LL2 from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I think we should listen to each others opinions and have thorough discussions, I think that preserving cultural heritage is of the utmost importance as long as it is not influencing oppression and or deprevation of rights. I also believe that innovation should be one of our forefront but with obligation to respect heritage and morality.

 @9J24TQT from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

society should accept innovation, however shouldn't take that as a reason to forget heritage.


Cultural heritage is creaed by mankind in history and passeed down to this day.It has historical and artistic value

 @9J26DW5 from Iowa answered…5mos5MO


Is it possible to have too much freedom, and if so, who gets to decide what the limits should be?

 @9H4JFJ8 from Texas answered…7mos7MO

It is possible to have too much freedom, yes. The government should decide what the limits are when it comes to issues that could lead to the physical harm of its people (otherwise you could just have murder in the streets without regulation). The people vote for the government so the government should be expected to hold the perspective of the majority. As for the rest of the moral decisions, there may be such a thing as 'too much freedom' (also known as 'chaos') but it should be solved by respective social and religious groups rather than the government. The dividing line between which issue belongs with whom is tricky.

 @9H4JHTW from New York answered…7mos7MO

I think that liberal conservatism should be placed and have limited govt. interference with ecomony policies and govt. intervention. Especially when we have seen several agencies in the govt lie to the people of America.

 @9H478LPRepublican from Minnesota answered…7mos7MO


Can you recall a time when respecting others' traditions led to a deeper understanding or connection?

 @9J26YKHWomen’s Equality from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

I have always respected others' traditions. I do not care what religion, beliefs, or traditions somebody has; as long as they are a respectable person.

 @9J267Y4 from Washington answered…5mos5MO

traditions and culture is there to share with other cultures to show how you live and share it with others

 @9J26B54 from Texas answered…5mos5MO


When have you felt the impact of government regulations on your personal life, for better or worse?

 @9HHBSMT from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

When the topic of banning abortion came into play I personally feel like women rights are slowly being taken away. And I believe nobody but women should decide this, Men can't produce, Men have no say in this topic.

 @9HHBRRV from Missouri answered…6mos6MO


Can you share an experience where a balance between personal freedom and societal norms was crucial?

 @9J273WG from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

responsible social behavior ensures that these freedoms do not infringe upon the rights and well-being of others.


What changes in society or technology have prompted you to reconsider the value of either freedom or regulation?

 @9KVGZXMSocialist from California answered…3mos3MO

AI technology definitely needs to be regulated, because now it's like, there's more AI freedoms than human freedoms, and more regulation on how a human can live their life that what an AI can do. AI takes jobs, it tricks people, it's not trustworthy unregulated, and yes, there are ways we can work with it efficiently, but when it is not regulated and watched, it can be harmful to humankind.

 @9KVGX4Bfrom Guam answered…3mos3MO

Changes in society and technology make liberal conservatives talk about how to find the best mix between freedom and rules. Changes in society, such as globalization and social movements, along with advances in technology, such as AI and worries about digital privacy, throw off established balances. These events may make liberal Republicans rethink their views on how much control is needed and how to protect individual rights.


How do you think society should balance individual success with collective needs?

 @9KDXL6XIndependent from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

 @9KDXJXKRepublican from West Virginia answered…3mos3MO

I think we need our core values and constitution but should be willing to change if it helps the majority of everyone.


When do you think it's important to stand up for your individual rights against popular opinion?

 @9J6FDQY from California answered…5mos5MO

I think it is important to stand up for yourself when you are facing discrimination.

 @9J5ZX3B from California answered…5mos5MO

Always good to stand up for your individual rights because everyone should be granted rights regardless of opinions


In what way has a teacher or mentor’s guidance impacted your view on leadership and social structure?

 @9KLXGHP from New York answered…3mos3MO

You will most likely feel way your mentor views leadership and social structure

 @9KLX8QL from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

A good leader is one that doesn’t tyrannize, but teaches and shows and assists as a friend. That is selfless in his or her role as a leader and takes the responsibility.


In your opinion, what does a balanced society look like during times of rapid technological change?

 @9JLSPR7Republican from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

A society that adapts to change but also doesn´t change everything to adapt to the changes that have been made.

 @9JLS5J6 from Maryland answered…4mos4MO

a place that is flexible in changing law. like changing the constitution every 20 year.


How has social media influenced your perception of the right balance between public interest and individual expression?

 @9J25NFB from Florida answered…5mos5MO

People are divided on what they want and still caring for others. As long as what people are doing is not overall morally questionable or illegal then freedom to express should remain.

 @9J253V2 from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

I don't get on social media so I do not know what the platforms are saying about interests


Should traditional values always be preserved, or is there a point when they must evolve for the sake of modern society?

 @9H6SWC8 from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Traditional values must not exclude anyone from their right to privacy happiness and quality of life.

 @9H6SNX3 from South Carolina answered…7mos7MO

There is no such thing as "traditional values" this is just code for racism, elitism, and maintaining the power of those with money and property.


Can you think of a time when embracing diversity has strengthened your community?

 @9KC3PB2 from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

During tbe BLM movement in summer 2020, our town had a parade/event for George Floyd, and it really brought our community together and helped relieve tension between the minorities in my town and the police. It also helped relieve the tension between the teen/young adult community in my town and the police.

 @9KC3G7N from New York answered…3mos3MO


How do the communities you're part of help you balance being true to yourself while fitting into the group?


How do you reconcile your personal beliefs with the laws and norms of your community?


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