Try the political quiz

251 Replies


What talents or local businesses could flourish in your community if there were incentives for buying and selling locally only?

 @9KFSBTXDemocrat from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

We need to not tax the rich, middle class, or poor. We should instead promote economic stabilization through each class doing its part. (I am not advocating for trickle down economics I simply think if the economy relies too much on the rich then it will collapse)

 @9KFSMVKRepublican from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

There would definitely be a surge in clothing brands if there were not such large scale brands prevalent in my area.

 @9KFSQCTPeace and Freedom from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9KFSPL2Independent from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

I wish that we could create individual nationalism, where we are able to disconnect from capitalism as much as possible, grow our own food, go off-grid.


How do you think your friendships might be affected if you could only consume media that was produced in your home country?

 @9KMQG7W from California answered…3mos3MO

I think that is getting too much with it because they always make people believe it.

 @9KM3K58Independence from West Virginia answered…3mos3MO

we'd be pretty sheltered if we only got US media and so it'd probably decrease our social standard with other countries

 @9KM2V9NDemocrat  from New York answered…3mos3MO

We would be much more close minded and oblivious to things that happen outside of the U.S.


How do you think the quality and diversity of your diet would change if all your food had to be sourced from local farmers?

 @9JS6FRV from Idaho answered…4mos4MO

all of my food would be at least three times healthier, and the quality and diversity would increase.

 @9JS6B4F from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I think it would be a lot better to get food only sourced from farmers. The quality of the food would be better, but it would most likely narrow down the foods I was eating.

 @9JS5XGP from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

My diet would be so much better. The reason why is because if food is locally sourced it would be fresh and it would not have chemicals and other things that I don't know in it. I would personally like locally sourced, fresh, and no chemicals in it.


How do you think a shift towards more locally produced movies and TV shows would shape the stories and representation you see on screen?

 @9KJM868Libertarian from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

We should use our resources and mind our own business as a nation. Create jobs for our own country. We rely too much on other countries with the same talent and potential many Americans possess.

 @9KJLPF5Socialist  from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I feel this may limit our shared knowledge among humanity. As someone who uses TikTok, there is not extensive censorship, which does have its pros and cons; We are able to connect with others from different places and get a more raw depth understanding to grow as individuals and a collective whole. If we were to limit media to only localized content, we would not be able to grow understandings as we have with openly structured media.

 @9KJL3G8from Guam answered…3mos3MO

There might be more "woke" stuff that raises awareness about societal problems locally, I guess.


How would your plans for higher education or travel abroad be impacted by your country focusing exclusively on domestic services?

 @9HFBVBL from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

It would make us a place where we could maybe live in peace and not have so much violence and maybe we can have a better police force to help stop most of this.

 @9HFBQZFRepublican from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

It would be unrelated and more important nowadays because of the education we get now but it would be more difficult because that is a big change and a lot happening in one moment.

 @9HFBP47Justice party memberanswered…6mos6MO

You would be thrown off of your plans because everyone is mostly going to want people who will work in domestic services.


Would choosing a job in a locally-run business over a multinational firm feel like a sacrifice or a point of pride to you?


yes, I would prefer to work for a local business than a big corporation. I believe I'm really helping with a local business my position hold importance and helps people, with a big corp I feel like a little minion my positions worth nothing, and I feel like I'm worth nothing.

 @9JS8WM4Peace and Freedomanswered…4mos4MO

i feel more pride in myself because the authenticity in working in a small buisness rather than a big buisness and i dont think it would matter the sacrifice if the small buisness has many intrest that i like

 @9JS8PM8 from Utah answered…4mos4MO

It would depend on the cooperations that I would be working for but in general, yes.


If your country stopped importing goods and focused on producing everything locally, what changes would you expect in your daily life?

 @9H8RXPJ from Florida answered…6mos6MO

Prices to change and products harder to obtain. I believe that any country should aim to produce their own produce but not stop importing until the cost is about the same or less domestically. I also believe that there should always be an option to purchase international goods regardless of if that product is produced domestically or not.

 @9H8RGYQ  from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

 @9H8RLT7from Maine answered…6mos6MO

 @9H8RYK2Peace and Freedom from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

Stores and places would change due to the fact we wouldn't be getting all the resources we had. The country would be is distraught.


Do you feel a sense of loyalty to buy products made in your own country, even if they cost more or have lower quality?

 @9H85FKZ from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

I don't. With the amount of money that comes into the U.S., there should be no problem making quality products for reasonable prices, but we're too focused on making the most amount of money we can spending the least amount possible.

 @9H8PWQHRepublican from Nebraska commented…6mos6MO

The US isn't focused on spending the least amount of money possible because we have lent out tons of money to other countries despite being in debt

 @9H86VMQ from Minnesota answered…6mos6MO

I think it is important to buy products created in your country to grow the overall economy and increase the wellbeing of the people in your country and community.

 @9H8PWQHRepublican from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

Yes because I can guarantee it wasn't made by child laborers and I would also rather to pay my own country than another because money means power and its dangerous to give other countries too much power.

 @9H84W3Z from California answered…6mos6MO

I feel a little sense of loyalty but I don't mind where the product was made.


In a world where each country only used its own tech companies, which local tech innovation would you be most proud of?

 @9HH6R46Working Family from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I believe that it would be best if we depended on ourselves and our economies to survive that way can stay out conflict as well with other countries when there is a war. But trading with other places can also be very beneficial for the country.

 @9HFLJH9 from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO


How do you personally weigh the potential benefits of economic nationalism against the drawbacks of reduced international trade?

 @9H7WFJSWomen’s Equality from Utah answered…6mos6MO

I have no idea, I don’t know enough about this to make a judgement on this certain topic.

 @9H8XC7Z from Arizona answered…6mos6MO

By increasing economic nationalism, it benefits US citizens because it grants them more job opportunities and wage increases and limits non-citizens' ability to gain access to jobs.

 @9H7YDW3 from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

There could be less variety in products since it is such a free market, as well as less money for the actual economy as a whole


How would your social media feeds change if content from international creators was restricted?


It would not change very much I mostly see things from people in the United States.

 @9HYDHM7 from California answered…5mos5MO

it would change a decent amount. probably a quarter of the people I follow online are from different countries and half of the random feed I see is from different countries so it would change alot

 @9HYY6GT from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

I feel like there would be very little change due to the fact I mostly see things to due with the U.S.


Could prioritizing your country's industries impact your fashion choices, and would you be okay with it?

 @9HFH2D5 from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

I don't really get this question nor do I have a "fashion choice" in the first place.


What do you think would happen to the variety and innovation of products if your country primarily relied on its own industries?


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