Try the political quiz

357 Replies


How do your personal beliefs shape the way you envision a fair and just society?

 @9J6RGCHLibertarian from California answered…5mos5MO

Religion should never be mixed with the government, period. Especially in the case of Abrahamic religions, which often oppress different groups of people.

 @9J7JXLD  from Georgia agreed…5mos5MO

America as a nation was originally established entirely on the concept of separation of church and state. Time and time again throughout world history as well as our nation’s history, religion has been proven to be a gateway to corruption, and abuse of power that’s deemed justified in the name of God. To go back on this stance and allow religious influence within political circles and the establishment of laws would quite literally render everything our founding fathers sacrificed and established obsolete.

 @9J6R6V9 from California answered…5mos5MO

 @9J6RJGS from California answered…5mos5MO

Your personal beliefs shape the way, because what you see as fair someone else might not. This can cause conflict or you to see another viewpoint.

 @9J6R8CB from California answered…5mos5MO


How would you ensure fair representation of different cultures in a nation’s celebrations and public holidays?

 @9JQ9GQK  from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

I don’t think there should be a blend of Islamic ideas involved with the proceedings of government. I don’t even believe there should Christian values considered with the making of laws. I think religion and law should be two completely different entities that are both respected and understood in their own manners. That others can be submitted to poor rule because of another cultures religion.

 @9JQ98KCPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…4mos4MO

 @9JQ88QRPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

To have off that day of the holiday, that would show fair treatment also it should be shown in the news how it's celebrated. So people can be more educated.


If you had the power to create a new holiday that fosters unity, what would it look like and why?

 @9J6V2LF from Utah answered…5mos5MO

I don’t care for any system if governance that bases itself in religion, I would feel the same for “Christian democracy.”

 @9J6XHK6 from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

The government doesn't have to base itself around religion, but if they don't have anything about religion there will be unfair treatment

 @9J6TRCR from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Religion/Culture day. A day to take off and practice ones religion and or culture without judgement.

 @9J6Y97L from California disagreed…5mos5MO

It was the idea of America that you can do that anyways. We shouldn't need a single day where you go "unjudged" because that was the whole point of being able to freely practice religion.

 @9J6TY8C from Texas answered…5mos5MO

I'd just have a day of positvity to look at all the good in the world for once.


Can you describe a time when you felt it was important to stand up for a peer's rights in school or in your community?

 @9JK8C7Y from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I think maybe when a student had a right to something a teacher was trying to take away.

 @9JK89WG from Texas answered…4mos4MO

i felt when my peers were unjustly accused of something i would stand of for them in school

 @9JK88G4 from Rhode Island answered…4mos4MO

My boy was getting flamed in the lunch line so I had to jump in and defend his honor


What does 'freedom of conscience' mean to you in the context of balancing one's faith with civic responsibilities?

 @9KS9HVS from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Being aware of the freedom you have and balancing it with responsibilities

 @9KS9BJJ from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Personal faith has the ability to instill certain morals on a group of people. Though it is possible, for good morals to be a result of this, personal religion should not be used as a deciding factor for everything

 @9KS988N from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO


How would you balance religious beliefs with your right to vote if they seemed to conflict with each other?


If I disagree with the religion then why am I living in an islamic democracy

 @9HH75CZ from Virginia answered…6mos6MO


Can the Islamic emphasis on social justice contribute to fairer economic policies within a democracy?

 @9HDMGQD from Utah answered…6mos6MO

I don't think mixing people's religion and government is a good idea. It will always indirectly effect people decisions but I don't think it should be able to make the laws.

 @9HDM9LM from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

By prioritizing equality and the well being of every member of society, the islamic principles can guide the development of stuff that adresses income inequality, poverty and just over all basic necessities


What experiences have made you appreciate the importance of having a voice in decision-making?

 @9J44955 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

 @9HTH7ZZPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania commented…5mos5MO

I think the importance of having a voice in the decision is reflected in the fact that I chose to study abroad and decided which university I chose to attend. Because I need to make my own decisions about my life, it's important that I have a say in my college choice.


To what extent should individual rights be influenced by religious doctrine in an Islamic democracy?

 @9HCX7K4 from Texas answered…6mos6MO


Do you believe a government should reflect the religious values of its people, why or why not?

 @9HLHS9M from Florida answered…6mos6MO

No because that would be boxing the government into 1 box of a specific religion which beats the purpose of having a all inclusive government.

 @9HLHH65 from Hawaii answered…6mos6MO

It's okay if the religion has a large enough influence on the culture & etiquette of a society.


How do you envision a fair society that upholds both personal beliefs and the common good?

 @9KRZ5SM from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

I envision a branch that gives the people major things they request and assist with those. Like help during a hurricane, etc.

 @9KRZ2HY from New York answered…3mos3MO

Islamic Democracy is a political ideology that seeks to blend democratic principles with Islamic law and values. It is a form of government where the laws of Islam are considered in the decision-making process


How would you negotiate between the need for uniformity in law and the respect for diverse cultural practices?

 @9J44DLD from Georgia answered…5mos5MO


How would you go about creating a student organization that honors both democratic leadership and religious inclusivity?

 @9L4LDNWRepublican from Nebraska answered…2mos2MO

Have a supervisor of some kind oversee the organization and report back to whatever board is funding said organization.

 @9L4L93L  from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I wouldn't, religion and government must be held separate at any ends. You cannot have democracy and religion symbiotic.


How can a sense of community be fostered across different belief systems within a democracy?

 @9KY8VTF from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO

Communities with different reli- gious orientations enjoyed religious autonomy. ... dle East Institute, November 21, 2000, “Islamic Democracy and Islamic ...

 @9KY8T55 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I may not know much about this, but I do not see it as an oxymoron. The only reason I say so is because Islam is not some "evil" or "power-hungry" force, it is simply a religion people practice. We would not sit back and say similar notions about Jewish people because it would be incredibly antisemitic, so why would we let that slide when it comes to Islamic citizens?


How might concepts of justice from religious texts inform the practices of modern democratic societies?


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