Try the political quiz

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 @8KC9ZXKLibertarian from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

 @8KSKZC6 from Missouri answered…4yrs4Y

Donald Trump is a bad person but a good president.

 @8PRVF9R from Georgia disagreed…3yrs3Y

good president

He is the worst president!

 @8SLKCY7 from North Carolina commented…3yrs3Y

i agree he was a terrible president but there were definitely worse ones (like the ones who owned slaves)

 @8N4Y7FK from New York answered…4yrs4Y

I would vote Joe Biden. Trump can go in a dumpster.

 @NicoAlex777Republicanfrom PR commented…3yrs3Y

I come from the future, you won, Biden is President, and he turned the USA into a world wide Joke, running with his tail between his legs in the middle east, causing a crisis in the border, increasing inflation and destroying the american market. Enjoy !

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…6mos6MO

And, 2 years from the future point, he's flushed hundreds of billions of dollars down the toilet in Ukraine, the economy is horrible, and he said in front of the public that he'd rather "go to bed" than attend a G-20 summit

 @8LDC2HP from California answered…4yrs4Y

My strong leaning is away from Trump, but I wish there was a better option than Biden, and also I am not familiar enough with the other options.

 @8N5QR5RRepublican from Utah commented…4yrs4Y

Same. I am young but I understand politics really well. I am a republican and I am leaning away from trump. But biden is not the best choice either. I wish we had better candidates for the 2020 election.

 @86K29S9Libertarian from North Carolina commented…4yrs4Y

I know that there is a good chance that Larry Hogan, governor of Maryland, might be running for president in 2024. He is very moderate and very unifying. I would highly recommend for you to look in what he has done for the state of Maryland, especially as a republican that is governing a blue state. Let me know what you think of him!

 @8QK2L8Yfrom Maine commented…3yrs3Y

I'm not happy that the Democrat party finally went with Joe Biden, they should have got a person with better morals in my opinion. I am left-wing, but there are no candidates that appealed to me. The closest one was Howie Hawkins from The Green Party and yes I wish he was President. By the way, I'm an Independent. It seemed strange to me how all of a sudden Bernie Sanders got pushed to the side after doing unexpectedly and incredibly well

 @8KQ5L8K from Kansas answered…4yrs4Y

Because third party votes are not considered or counted in the electoral college I would vote Donal Trump, but if third party votes were to be counted in the electoral college I would vote Jo Jorgenson