Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9LXLJ2H from Virginia disagreed…1mo1MO

It does not matter the marital status of someone, if they are raped, their abuser should be charged the same.


Rape is rape, no matter if it wasn't severe or not, it was still rape. So it should be under severe violence.

 @9LR88LMProgressive from Indiana disagreed…1mo1MO

Forcing youself on someone, in a sexual way, should be classified as rape. Even if you are married it does not change the fact that you can rape your partner. marriage does not equal consent.

 @9J8BM89Republican  from Wisconsin disagreed…5mos5MO

Rape is rape. Regardless of your relationship with your partner. There should always be consent in marriage. Boundaries must be respected. It is dehumanizing to reduce marital rape to a domestic violence position just because they are married. Put yourself in the position of the victim. How would you feel your rape is less important than someone else just because you were married?


Someone can be in a awful marriage and want out from an abusive man but cant, just because they are married doesnt mean they want to have sex.


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