Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @KindMantisNo Labelsfrom Colorado commented…2wks2W

Most Americans refuse to see this conflict from the Palestinian point of view. To do so would involve imagining how we would feel if, after being colonized by a foreign power, that power decided to "return" more than half the United States to Native Americans, including all the most productive land and viable cities, and gradually pushed us into smaller and more impoverished enclaves while turning over our homes, farms and cities to settlers.

The settler population, backed by military might and economic power then begins encroaching into the already overcrowded and impoverished &quo…  Read more

 @C0nstituti0nalLilyWomen’s Equality from Georgia commented…2wks2W

When Israel was set up in 1948-49 on lands mostly occupied by Palestinians for centuries what's going on today was as predictable as the sun coming up.

David Ben-Gurion essentially predicted it. He said, "A people which fights against the usurpation of its land will not tire so easily. When we say that the Arabs are the aggressors and we defend ourselves — this is only half the truth. Politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country."

 @MercifulClamPatriot from New York commented…2wks2W

Israel rejected the international consensus of a two-state solution for decades because it could. Because it had the backing of the United States. Consider too Israel's violation of international law in building settlements, which continued under multiple Israeli administrations, as well for both its tacit and explicit support for violence against Palestinians by settlers. As a result, Israel has become, in the eyes of most of the world, a pariah state even before this recent slaugher of civilians.

 @OriginalMandateGreenfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

America must cut off military, financial, and political support for Israel. That is the only path toward peace, and, in any event, it would be a way to regain America's moral standing and leadership among nations.

 @TalentedDotterelWorking Family from Texas commented…2wks2W

I can understand the desire for revenge. But I find it ironic that a people who have been discriminated against for centuries and who were almost wiped out by the Nazis could turn around and act like their tormentors. I had always believed that the people of Israel had a high sense of morality and justice. I guess people are people but am very disheartened by this story. Even mo

 @ZealfulP0l1ticalPlatformPeace and Freedom from Arizona commented…2wks2W

Israel is no different than other authoritarian regimes, and will need a different more democratic government to get my respect again.


Can peace ever be achieved in areas of long-term conflict, and what role should outsiders play in this process?


Is it fair for civilians to bear the brunt of military conflicts? Why or why not?


Do you think providing aid, like food, is enough in such crises, or should more be done to address the cause of the suffering?


How would you feel if your hometown was being destroyed, and the rest of the world just watched?

 @9MK26B4 from Florida answered…2wks2W

If my hometown were being destroyed and the rest of the world just watched, I would likely feel a deep sense of fear, anger, and helplessness. The destruction of one’s home brings immense personal loss, and seeing a lack of action or support from the global community would amplify feelings of abandonment and frustration. Additionally, I would be concerned about the safety and well-being of loved ones, the loss of cultural heritage, and the long-term impact on the community’s future.


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