Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @PeskyP4rtisan from Virginia agreed…2mos2MO

Even Soviet “anti Zionist historians” were baffled by his far reaching conclusions that holocaust was not just fabricated but orchestrated by European Jewry together with Nazi to “promote” Jewish immigration to Israel.

I was reading the interview of his Soviet academic supervisor while he was working on his “PhD”

Mind boggling how this piece of … is considered by partner in peace by leftist idi0ts.

 @EnergeticS0cialistDemocrat from Arizona agreed…2mos2MO

Jeffrey, thank you for reminding us of Abbas’ ties to the Soviets and his long-standing dedication to Holocaust denial. The Biden administration should sever itself from any normal diplomatic relations with the PA, particularly as long as it is headed by this repulsive genocide-enabling, *** hating thug…

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