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Biden Considering Banning Asylum For Immigrants

 @MindPorpoiseRepublican from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

He needs to stop mulling and just do it. This is the issue that will loose him the election if it hasn’t done him in already. He needs to stop pandering to the small minority on the left and act swiftly in a common sense way to show that he’s on top of this issue.

 @RadiantGnuDemocrat from Texas commented…4mos4MO

If Biden loses the election, it won’t be because of his policy position on immigration. The Electoral College, general political disaffection, and voting restrictions in swing states will play a much larger role. There’s also nothing common sense about looking at people who have credible fears of remaining in their home country and who have risked life and limb to get to our border and saying they have to go back to the same place they risked everything to escape

 @MindPorpoiseRepublican from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

I thought he couldn't do it because of Republican this and Republican that. What happened?

All of sudden, did he remember the oath he took to protect the country?

A little late, but when mainstream media gives a pass, it's easy to be complacent.

 @AmazedChoughForward from Minnesota commented…4mos4MO

Isn't this an implicit acknowledgment that his reversal of Trump’s executive orders on immigration caused - in large part- the current influx?

His whole argument in favor of the Senate plan was that he did not have the authority to remedy the problem via executive order.

Mr. Biden's policies created the problem he now seeks to fix through the exercise of executive authority he claims not to have.

Right...makes a lot of sense if you consider his polling numbers and the fact that it's an election year.

 @ArtisticRoadrunnerAmerican Solidarityfrom Minnesota commented…4mos4MO

I wouldn't vote for Trump if you paid me. But Democrats have had 3 years to get the border under control and it's only gotten worse.

"Ineffectual" might be too nice a word; it implies an earnest effort that's ineffective. And what we've seen looks like no effort.

However ghastly Trump is, the numbers crossing will plummet within months if he's elected.

And that's what's so infuriating about the Democrats.

 @CulturedMothDemocrat from New Jersey commented…4mos4MO

when the GOP was in charge of the House, Senate and White House what did they do to address this problem? The answer is comparable to the GOP House members not even bring the bill that their counterparts created in the Senate to address this issue.

 @ArtisticRoadrunnerAmerican Solidarityfrom Minnesota commented…4mos4MO

All I can is it's about time. Time to stop this blatant abuse of our asylum laws that is so obvious to anyone who cares to be honest with themselves. Legal immigrates are a welcome and important addition to the well being of our country. The gaming of our asylum laws is not.