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Which political ideology do you most identify with?



How do you personally define the beginning of life, and why is this important when considering the rights of an unborn child?

 @9HBSKMQ from California answered…6mos6MO

Life is created when the sperm meets the egg. God blesses that person with a gift from Heaven and they don't have the right to take that gift. There have been cases when a pregnant woman is killed in a car accident and the driver that killed them is charged with 2 manslaughter charges. The baby or fetus growing in the womb is a seperate life form and the mother has no right to take that life away.

 @9HBT6KQ from Maryland commented…6mos6MO

Abortion should be legal till 18 weeks. Sometimes the mother can take the life of the baby away, like in life threatening circumstances or rape and incest.