Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9HF2BWBProgressive from Virginia answered…10mos10MO

Patriotism is the support of the ideals and identity of one's homeland, country of origin, or adopted home. It forms the basis of nationalism, which is the extreme form of patriotism, however it is a distinct philosophy separate from nationalism. Patriotism is not mutually exclusive with international politics and reinforces group identity. However, the latter can lead to xenophobic exclusionary ideals. Patriotism becomes nationalism when one views their homeland as unique and deserving of recognition for its uniqueness, which leads to xenophobic and domineering foreign policy to a greater extent than does patriotism. Overall, patriotism can be both a negative and a positive

 @9HDZT3P from Arkansas answered…10mos10MO

Love of country, pride in country, devotion to country. Patriotism is a positive force in society.

 @9HDZR53Democratfrom Maine answered…10mos10MO

Patriotism, is the watered down version of Nationalism. Patriotism is loving your country and thinking the rest are alright, as Nationalism is loving your country and hating the rest. And in my opinion, I think Patriotism is a negative force on society as it may lead to conflicts among different people of different Nationalities.