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19 Replies

 @9GNJBHG from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement because it isn't fair to the young girls that have just dealt with an extremely traumatizing experience, and then telling them they have to have the baby. The baby might get put into foster care or just not be cared for as a baby should. I believe it will just be a cycle of trauma and hurt.

 @9GNHLZR from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I just personally hate abortion if you got yourself pregnant and want to go and kill a baby then that's on you but its not okay maybe you should have been more safe and you would have to deal with killing a baby.

 @9GQ2D92Democratfrom Virgin Islands agreed…7mos7MO

I personally am pro choice i think it Is Better for every One and no One should take away the right to chose what a persone want's to do regarding their personal life

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

A few months ago, I was also personally pro-choice and I didn't want to take away other people's right to have an abortion. But I've come to realize that you can't be "personally pro-choice". Saying I'm personally against abortion is like saying "I'm personally against slavery, but I don't want to take away other people's right to own slaves". The baby inside the womb is also a human that deserves to be able to choose what they want to do with their personal life, but in their position in life, he or she can't make that decision…  Read more

 @9GNHRK6 from New York agreed…7mos7MO

All Women should be able to get rid of what is in their body, especially if it was forced upon them. A child would not want to be the son of a rapist or the the outcome of an accident. Women should have kids when they agree and meet with circumstances set within themselves as opposed to what people believe is “morally” correct.

 @9GNQRTY from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

I do agree with this because if someone was raped,molested,etc they should have the right to an abortion, but if someone was having unprotected sex and was not paying attention to their menstrual cycle then that would be different, but that does not deprive them of the right of an abortion.

 @9GNHWPG from Washington D.C. agreed…7mos7MO

i agree with this comment, rape victims and sexual assault victims should have every right to get an abortion, along with every other woman in the world. Nobody should have the right to tell woman what to do with their own bodies.

 @9GQKL5S from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

I agree. People should have the rights to their own bodies and lifestyle and should not be decided by a bunch of old men in Congress. It's their decision whether they want to keep the baby, not the choice of politicians.

 @9GPB7MS from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I agree completely. A woman should not be forced into having a child through the result of sexual assault. It is disgusting to think that people believe that a baby should be born even if it's through rape.

 @9GNHGCPfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, why should the woman be forced into having a child that she didn’t want in the first place, by a man who she didn’t consent to having sex with.

 @9GNZC4D from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

The government shouldn't be involved in women's health because it is already hard enough as a women taking away the right to choose will make it a lot harder for women and therefore women won't want to do anything. The right to have an abortion is what all women should have.

 @9GNJ3MJ from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

I could not agree more with this statement. To remove the right to abortion is to remove the bodily autonomy of a human being.

 @9GNHY2T from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement. Women should have a choice based on their situation and story and it most certainly isn't fair that they were forced to do something and have to live with a big consequence.

 @9GNHPDD from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Agree. Women and young women who are victims of rape and forced into sex should have the right to abort the baby. However if the women or young women is having unprotected sex on purpose they should live with what they decided to do and keep the baby.

 @9GNHC6H from California agreed…7mos7MO

The pro-life stance is often seen as infringing on a woman's bodily autonomy, as it places restrictions on her choices regarding her own body. Regardless of personal views on abortion, some argue that pro-life advocates are advocating for others to make decisions about what a woman must do with her body and how she should support a child financially. In cases where minors become pregnant as a result of rape, some believe that insisting on carrying the pregnancy to term could further traumatize both the young mother and the baby. Given the financial challenges that some individuals face, pro-choice supporters argue that it's important to allow them to take the necessary steps to prevent placing a child in a foster care system with limited resources.

 @9GNRHK7Peace and Freedom from California agreed…7mos7MO

This is a choice that should belong to all women as not everyone has the same healthcare and are not given the right information as to how to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Us humans for many many years have always tried finding a way to stop pregnancies. If I remember correctly we even made a plant go extinct for helping the prevention and worry of pregnancy, it really shows that not everyone is ready to be a parent. I believe that those who are ready and those who aren't should be given the choice to abortion.

 @9GNJC9PDemocrat from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

This is so true! I agree. A woman should never be forced into motherhood for any reason, and should never have to take care of a child that could hit her hard emotionally or financially.

 @9GNPDST  from Mississippi agreed…7mos7MO

I personally think that it is there body there choice. Women have the choice of what they want to do with there baby.

 @9GNJ4GH from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this text because no matter a person's opinion on abortion they shouldn't have any control over someone else's body, yes abortion can go against some religions but if the person getting the abortion isn't a part of it, it shouldn't be a concern to others.


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