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Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?

No, hire professionally trained security guards instead

 @9GHCS8F  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Top Disagreement

Unarmed teachers are put in the impossible position of having to place themselves between the threat and their students. Without the ability to defend themselves, you are creating soft targets and more victims. Security guards cannot be everywhere at once. Arm teachers to be able to protect themselves and students until help arrives.

 @9GSZXW6Democratfrom Guam disagreed…7mos7MO

Create a better school shooter system by having immediate help available at all times. Provide better training to teachers, students, and police/security. Providing teachers with firearms leads to higher risk.

 @9GHCS8F  from California commented…7mos7MO

In what way does it create higher risk. As a concealed carry permit holder, I have been carrying a loaded firearm in public for the purpose of lawful self defense and the defense of others for over 20 years. Never once was the public in any risk. If anything, they were safer. The only difference is that I wasn’t a teacher? Can you quantify how the profession of the individual makes him or her a higher risk than anyone else? It would seem to me that all the risk lies with waiting for the shooter to stop pulling the trigger while you wait for this help to arrive.