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4 Replies

 @ApricotsMariaLibertarian from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

This isn't to undermine the struggles associated with poverty, but rather to highlight the potential every life holds. In such a scenario, wouldn't it be more beneficial to focus on improving socio-economic conditions and providing support to these parents, rather than denying the child a chance at life?

The vast majority who remain trapped in the cycle of poverty despite their best efforts. For instance, according to the National Center for Children in Poverty, more than 16 million children in the United States – 22% of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level.

Moreover, bringing a child into the world under unfavorable conditions can have long-term negative effects on the child's development and mental health. So, while improving socio-economic conditions and providing support is an ideal solution, it is not always immediately achievable.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Adoption line in this country: 2 million couples (and counting)

Annual abortions in this country: Approx. 700,000.

There's no such thing as an unwanted life. If you aren't capable of raising your own child, don't murder him in cold blood, let one of these 2 million half-decent couples give him a good life.

Your argument is one of the number one fallacies I see on this issue. The statistics are in favour of life.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

The statistics are far more than just two numbers, and if it was that simple, we wouldn’t HAVE orphanages in the first place. Kids with issues, mental disorders, or other illnesses are thrown to the back of the line. Actually adopting a child costs a fortune and, understandably, has a long and laborious process to ensure the parents are good. Not to mention, most of those parents are looking for a newborn, and everyone outside that is thrown to the side. Thankfully, gay couples are often willing to adopt, but that doesn’t even get close to fixing the problem. The foster system is…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

There you go again – I show a damning statistic, you deny it. Our little ritual. But just so you can't here's the references

Adoption statistics: American Adoptions - How Many Couples are Waiting to Adopt a Baby?

…  Read

You've mentioned a lot of hurdles to the adoption process, but the problem for your anti-life position is that the vast majority of these two million decent couples on the adoption line understand dang well how hard it is t o foster a child, and yet have the dedication to do it anyway. Claiming your child will have a hard life if you don't murder him is no excuse to murder him – you might as well gun down a bunch of hobbos and street rats because you think they have a hard life. How can it ever be considered distantly compassionate or in the best interest of someone to murder him? Especially when all these couples would take the child? I never said our foster system isn't flawed, but don't these innocent guiltless children deserve, at the very least, a chance?

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