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2 Replies

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

You seem to be mistaking bodily autonomy with legal guardianship? Bodily autonomy is only in regards to your own body, and the decision of who can or cannot use it or what can or cannot be done with it. Your legal parental obligations not only have nothing to do with your bodily autonomy, but also still do not override them. For example, even if your child is several years old, but is somehow in a medical situation where they are attached to your body and using you for life (again), you would still have every right to stop them from continuing to use your body if you do not consent to this…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

It doesn't help at all – the most important right of all, regardless of if you acknowledge the existence of God or not, is logically LIFE, because if you're DEAD you can't enjoy ANY OTHER RIGHTS (including bodily autonomy). Therefore even such a theoretical right as bodily autonomy existed, to exercise that right the person with it must of necessity by ALIVE. I think the baby deserves bodily autonomy in that doctors should not be allowed to starve him to death and cut off his supply of nutrients via the abortion pill, or, in later terms, tear him limb from limb and crush his skull. Watch an abortion procedure online. You will see how much of a Hitleresque cruelty it is. This is the Second Holocaust, a moral abomination crying out to the Heavens for vengeance. Life trumps all other rights, period.

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