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Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?

No, hire professionally trained security guards instead

 @9GB24HM  from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Train the teachers to be the guards for the same wages keeping our school spending the same and keeping our taxes from rising while giving the school a safety measure.

 @9GBGRLKRepublican from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers can act out in violence on random days towards kids putting a higher risk for students. Teachers could also give kids or kids could take the gun from the teacher making it easier and higher risk for the students of the schools to a shooting. Teachers are speculated to teach not to handle guns or weapons. In the act of a shooter or for general protection of the school there should be at least 2 armed guards or police officers monitoring the school who hold the weapons, not the teachers.

 @F0reignP0licyBellaRepublicanfrom Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

It's quite rare for teachers to resort to violence against students. But if teachers were allowed to carry guns, they would not just be handed firearms without any training. They would undertake extensive training and psychological evaluations to ensure they can handle such responsibility, just like any law enforcement officer.

For instance, consider the case of Harrold Independent School District in Texas, where select faculty members have been allowed to carry concealed firearms since 2007. These faculty members undergo rigorous training and must be approved by the board. To date, there have been no incidents involving the misuse of firearms by teachers in the district.

However, I can see how the presence of firearms could potentially change the school environment.