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How do you define 'family' and has that definition evolved over time for you?

 @9KRFC2D from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

No, for me it has not changed and never will. A family is either a married couple of husband (male) and wife (female) or the same husband and wife with kids.

 @9KSQQ25Socialist from New York disagreed…3mos3MO

This answer adheres to largely Christian and colonial gender and social values that restrict harmless possibilities for people to live their best lives, such as by excluding polyamorous or queer relationships and the traditional communal method of raising children.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

Homosexuality, "polyamory," and "queer relationships," are all moral abominations before God that corrupt the moral fibre of those who engage in them and destroy civilisations. God created human beings male and female, with the intent that one man would marry one woman for life, and that the man would provide for his family while the woman raised children. This is how mankind was created to live, and it is only in a society that adheres strictly to this model that happiness, security, and liberty, can be found.

 @9KVX42L from Tennessee agreed…3mos3MO

Family is a Mother, Father and Kids who love and support each other and help get through rough times.

 @9KSRZMQ from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

While nuclear families are idealized, excluding single-parent households, same-sex parents, and legal guardians from the definition of family only harms people from making the most out of their circumstances.

 @9JY7FGV from Michigan answered…4mos4MO

A family is someone who takes care and cares for you, blood doesn't always equal family

 @9K226MN from Georgia disagreed…4mos4MO

A family is your flesh and blood relatives. Sometimes they are flawed and imperfect but they are still family.


I believe in individual responsibility and self-reliance, which I highly value. I also recognize that family is not solely defined by blood relations but by care and support. This reinforces the idea that individuals have the power to form their support networks and take care of one another.

I firmly believe that strong families are the foundation of strong communities. Recognizing non-biological connections as a family promotes inclusivity and support within communities, which fosters compassion and strengthens social bonds.

I support policies that promote adoption and foster care, as they pro…  Read more


I believe that it is proven in history that it is how you are raised rather than where you are born that dictates your life which i feel means that who takes care of you or raises you is more important

 @9JV6GHWRepublican from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

Family, for me, is the typical Male father, Female mother, and then children. It has not, nor will it ever evolve. This is how God made us, and how I understand it. Sure, there are times when there will be a single parent household, and that can’t be helped, but sometimes, like in a divorce, that can’t be helped.

 @9JVNN56 from South Carolina disagreed…4mos4MO

A family is wherever there is love and defined roles. Is better for a child to be in a loving home then in a orphanage.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

It is better for a child to wait until a man and his wife can adopt him than to live under the corruption of a sexually perverse household, or a household that lacks a parent.

 @9JVM46M from Idaho disagreed…4mos4MO

sometimes blood fmily doesnt make them family. its how they treat you and how much respect and trust you are given

 @9KR8LLR from Kentucky answered…3mos3MO

Mom and dad and children. My definition has not changed

 @9KSJMN9 from California agreed…3mos3MO

In American ideology, the ideal has always been mom, dad, and children. Other countries are like this too.

 @9KSJW3Qfrom Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Well, I mean there are single parents and LGBTQ+ people who don't fit this definition of the family.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington commented…2mos2MO


How has the concept of family motivated you to improve your community or society?

 @9KSCKFXRepublican from Oklahoma commented…3mos3MO

 @9L2CKWZWomen’s Equality from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Has created a more involved family members in giving support to there family's needs.

 @9KZPLDB from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

Has created a more involved family members in giving support to there family's needs.


Familialism supports the idea of community and unity. It is important for individual citizens to participate in bettering their community.


How do you forge your own path while respecting the expectations of your family?

 @9KCHWWH from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I try to stay informed so that I can pick the best person for me and not just what friends or family are picking.

 @9KKCQ9Y from Wisconsin agreed…3mos3MO

You keep your options open and listen to what others have to say about the topic but in the end you pick what you think is best

 @9KCJC6RIndependent from California answered…3mos3MO

In order to succeed there must be family support and they must respect your decisions and so forth.

 @9KCJ74QDemocrat from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

You keep them all the time in the back of your mind, you take their interests in mind while also pursuing yours, but you are your own person and are expected to walk your own path. Keep up and keep a bond with family but you need to stretch your wings, man

 @9KCJ9ZT from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I would make the point clear that you are your own person, including your thoughts, perspectives, and aspirations. No family member should have a firm hold on what another family member wants to be or strive towards.


In what ways has your family encouraged or challenged your personal identity and self-expression?

 @9KYTNJ5 from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

My family has definitely challenged my self-expression and I've had to work for them to accept the way I am.


they are strong and cultured people who showed me how to survive in a rough world

 @9KYT2DL from New York answered…3mos3MO

My family has actively suppressed my self expression and identity in favor of more traditional values. Clothes, hair, makeup (or lack thereof), even mannerisms.

 @9KYT5B8 from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO


How do you cope with the pressure of family expectations without losing your individuality?

 @9HXMCGGWomen’s Equality from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

I help and take care of my family but I think it is also important to take care and be just as thoughtful to yourself just as you with your family. Putting family first is not always the right answer but it is also super important to do.

 @9HXN495Democrat from Washington answered…5mos5MO

I think learning that you are growing and discovering your own path can help reassure you of your choices. It is important to hear other perspectives and see opinions from loved ones as guidance but never as mandatory.

 @9HYBZRW from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

I just remember that yes I was born and made to reproduce a new generation. no, I don't think having a family is for everyone but for me, I can enjoy my everyday things with kids and I can have my alone time it's just not so easy.

 @9HXMJRQProgressive from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

I believe that I am my own person, as some of the things I do may make my family disappointed in me, the decisions I make are mine. I won't lose my individuality because I will stand my ground on my opinions.

 @9HYRKYM from Maryland agreed…5mos5MO

Understand your audience: Tailor your arguments to resonate with the values, beliefs, and perspectives of the people you are trying to convince. Use evidence: Support your arguments with credible sources, data, and examples to strengthen your position.


Can the strength of family bonds be measured by something other than time spent together?

 @9KCHH25 from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

I believe it is good but always depends on the house hold and what the beliefs are

 @9KCGYNN from Florida answered…3mos3MO

Yes, it could also be measured by how the family treats each other. If the family members are more distant or worse, abusive, then the family bonds are weak. But if the family is loving and considerate of one another and respect each other, the familial bond is stronger and healthier.

 @9KCHKR6 from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

absolutely can relationships with family and friends are not just based on the time spent together it's also the kindness and the way we treat each other out of respect or not.

 @9KCHB7C from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

no since you have to teach children some things there parents wouldn't like in order for them to be able to have a good education


How do you nurture family connections when you have differing lifestyles or beliefs?

 @9KYTKM5 from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

if you have a family member who lives a different lifestyle than you or has different religion or cultural beliefs, you should nurture that connection to help your relationship grow because if you don't nurture that connection they may get offended and try to push you away.

 @9KYTJXWPeace and Freedom from Iowa answered…3mos3MO

I like to try to understand and learn others lifestyles and beliefs even when i can't relate

 @9KYT6C6 from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO


How does your family celebrate individual achievements without creating competition among members?


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