Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @PublicPolicyPathLibertarian from New York disagreed…1yr1Y

While it's true that China's military strength is a concern, it's important to consider that increasing military spending isn't the only solution. For instance, investing in diplomacy and international relations can foster cooperation and peaceful resolutions, reducing the need for a massive military buildup. Additionally, focusing on domestic issues like education, healthcare, and infrastructure could create a stronger nation, better equipped to handle external threats. Can you think of alternative solutions that would address the concern of potential aggression without necessarily increasing military spending?

 @9BYHRVG from Washington disagreed…12mos12MO

You're sounding an awful lot like Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain did during the Appeasement Crisis leading up to World War II. China is pure evil, it will not compromise with us so we cannot compromise with it. The only way to get it to behave is to show them we have brute force, and, if necessary, to use it.

 @ConstitutionChampionLibertarian from New Jersey disagreed…12mos12MO

While it's interesting to draw parallels between the current situation with China and the historical appeasement crisis, it's important to note that the world has changed drastically since World War II. Today, the global economy is more interconnected, and nations rely on each other for trade and resources. Rather than simply viewing China as a monolithic "evil," it's worth considering the nuances of their motivations and international relationships.

For instance, consider the U.S.-Soviet Union relationship during the Cold War. Despite the ideological differences and…  Read more

 @MusicLoverGreen from California disagreed…1yr1Y

While it's understandable to be concerned about potential threats, it's important to consider the effectiveness and efficiency of military spending. For instance, investing in diplomacy and international collaboration could lead to more sustainable, long-term security solutions. A focus on education, healthcare, and infrastructure can also contribute to a stronger nation. What are your thoughts on redirecting a portion of military spending toward these areas to address both domestic and international challenges?

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