Try the political quiz

249 Replies


How do you determine whether a figure labeled as 'anti-establishment' is standing for genuine improvement or personal gain?


Anyone who calls themselves this label is usually in it for themselves. This term shows a lack of understanding of the complexities of government and its bureaucracy. It's a term used to fool voters

 @9LJLN35 from South Dakota disagreed…2mos2MO

While there are cases in which figures that are labeled as ‘anti-establishment’ are focused on personal gain, the United States has a growing problem with career politicians holding offices that they have shown they are unfit for. We can see an example of this with Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary. We were able to truly see Buttigieg’s incompetency with his mishandling of the East Palestine catastrophe, in which people’s health issues were not taken seriously and the companies responsible for their trains derailing were let off far to easy. But this is only one example of the many bureaucrats who hold a public office in this country that they are simply unfit for.

 @9LHS3NJRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

If they promise too much in their campaign, almost too much to be true. idk I don't know what this means.

 @9LHRXMPfrom Guam answered…2mos2MO

Truly depends, the motives of an anti-establishment figure depends on his loyalty to his original voter base (people dissatisfied with the ruling system) and also his ability to reach valuable and pragmatic compromises such that he isn’t simply creating a populist frenzy against the ruling class.


Is there a certain point where upholding the status quo might protect us from chaos, or is change always necessary?

 @9LGJCH8 from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO

Change is always necessary, but best to be done in the least violent way possible.

 @9LH4BYK from Missouri agreed…2mos2MO

I think change is important but its better if it can be done without hurting people and that violent force should only ever be used if change has to happen and wont happen any other way

 @9LGJF6C from Ohio answered…2mos2MO

Change is always necessary, but best to be done in the least violent way possible.

 @9LGHLPP from Virginia answered…2mos2MO


If you could change one thing about the current education or political system, what would it be?

 @9HGSPZ5from Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

I would change the voting system, the current voting system of first past the post has resulted in a two-party duopoly, two parties who became large tenets ranging from rational politicians to radical extrimists on both sides, thus creating a divide in the nation the only is to move to a more proportional system like in Germany, the idea of a coalition being necessary to form a government might seem unstable but in fact it is the only way to ensure the building block of every true democracy, comprise, the parties will be forced to work together to and the politicians will be more representative of people's opinions which will ensure voter satisfaction

 @9HGSK2J from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

I would change the way children are taught about lgbt bs because they’re too young for that.


In what ways can young voices be particularly powerful in challenging traditional views?

 @9J58VPN  from California answered…5mos5MO

I feel that people can express their opinions respectfully without being disrespectful.

 @9J58NC6Women’s Equality from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO


How has a film, book, or public figure inspired you to think differently about authority?

 @9HTMK4Y from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Books such as "Stone Butch Blues" by Leslie Feinberg and "Giovanni's Room" by James Baldwin have provided compelling stories that challenge cultural norms and bring to light the experiences of individuals who identify as LGBTQ+. These narratives have motivated readers to question those in positions of power and promote inclusivity and acceptance.

 @9HTLLCCDemocrat from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I have read many books that have got me thinking differently about authority. They have many different views about specific authorities and that really expands my knowledge about the topic at hand.


Is there a time when challenging the establishment might do more harm than good?

 @9HP3PFQIndependent from California answered…6mos6MO

 @9HP3LWH from California answered…6mos6MO

While challenging the establishment can sometimes lead to positive change, there can aslo be situations where it may do more harm than good, its important to consider the potential consequences and the impact it might have on various aspects of society.


What’s a cause that you would protest for today and how would you make a difference?

 @9J594C4Independent  from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

more of the government money should go to education since education right now is not doing very well within school security and staff.

 @9J58X9Nfrom Guam answered…5mos5MO

Raising Minimum Wage , More Taxes on Rich, Nationalised Banks and Healthcare. Stricter Green Policies


When is it more effective to work within the system rather than against it?

 @9J592PFIndependent from California answered…5mos5MO


Have you or someone you know ever been discouraged from questioning authority, and how did you respond?

 @9HP2N45 from Florida answered…6mos6MO

 @9HP2HXHDemocrat from Indiana answered…6mos6MO

I responded by thinking “if authority is never questioned, people in power will begin to abuse it because no one is willing to stop it.”


When should individuals stand up against a group decision they believe is wrong?


When they side with the wrong parts of it and know it wrong but still sticking with it


What role do you think social media plays in supporting or suppressing anti-establishment views?

 @9HP3JN5 from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

The social media could help in some way because people can give there feedback about how they feel about something and somebody could take edit from that.

 @9HGXTD7 from Texas commented…6mos6MO

Social media influences every favet of most peoples every day lives and therefore has the ability to influence politics in a negative way


When does rebellion against the establishment cross the line from necessary revolution to unjust anarchy?

 @9H8PWJG from Texas answered…6mos6MO

In my honest opinion, anti-establishment should be banned because you going to war with other countries, and in political theory, it depends on what revolution should have power based on it also depends on what revolution has political social and economic justice for the government.

 @9H8PJPM from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

When rebellion is made solely for the purpose of changing a minor aspect of the law in favor of a minority, it is unjust. If a government is far leaning on either side and is unjustly taking advantage of its people and abusing them, then some kind of rebellion is needed.


How would you define 'the establishment' in your own words, and do you see it as beneficial or harmful?

 @9LCL979 from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO

 @9LCKSPM from Oklahoma answered…2mos2MO

I see it as harmful because what if you had no where to go and when you find a place you can't live there.


How do songs or movies that challenge authority resonate with you, and can you name one that impacted your views?

 @9HP3H38 from Indiana answered…6mos6MO


How does one stand firm in their beliefs in the face of opposition or ridicule?

 @9KK4TNW from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

the president by the anti-establishment that why can be famous things to persurve the face of the consitution

 @9KK4SSB from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

by providing proper evidence and not letting people beliefs override the facts.


What’s an example of a rule that you follow but don’t necessarily agree with?

 @9K9NBLG from California answered…3mos3MO

 @9K9MPGY from California answered…3mos3MO

I don’t take things into my own hands like a vigilante even though sometimes I wish I could.


Why might it be important for individuals to sometimes resist peer pressure in order to enact change?


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