Try the political quiz

289 Replies


How would the culture and social dynamics of your community change if religious affiliation determined political leadership?

 @9JQBS2Z from Colorado answered…4mos4MO

Things would be more strict and people would be more oppressive and less understanding of those that differ from them.

 @9JQBGWJPeace and Freedom from California answered…4mos4MO


I feel like there would be less democrats elected in orange county if religious affiliation determined political leadership. A lot of democrats and progressives nowadays are not that religious, while many republicans are very religious, so it would probably lead to more republicans being in political leadership positions.


It would change towards more religious beliefs and not keep true to what makes up the US


How would you adapt if the music, books, and movies available to you were censored or selected based on the dominant religion in power?

 @9KBSHXZ from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

 @9KBS4S6 from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

I do not support that. We have freedom of religion and cannot force one religion on people.

 @9KBRVK4Republican from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO

 @9KBRYG3 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I would find a way to acquire a undesired version art should not be subject to the feelings of a person who feels it does not line up with there view point. restrict content by age but don't censor it.


How would you forge your career in a society where professional opportunities are influenced by religious demographics?

 @9LB8LPFPeace and Freedom from New Mexico answered…2mos2MO

Everyone has their own religion and it should not be forced onto everyone else.

 @9LB8GFRPeace and Freedom from California answered…2mos2MO

 @9LB8CTX from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO

Everyone should have their freedom to religion. don't force it onto others though.


Can you think of a historic or current event where confessionalism might have influenced the outcome?

 @9J5WPNS  from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO

 @9J5WPGY from California answered…5mos5MO

If we look at the current state of nations like Lebanon, the failure of systems like Confessionalism is very apparent. The mish-mash nature of placing religious groups in a competition of power fuels discontent amongst their citizens, and a rivalry for placing more allies in powerful position. Rather than unifying a nation through common identities and national spirit, Lebanon's financial crisis can be attributed to poor government management and civilian disscontempt, most of which originating from the religious quarrels between parties.

 @9J5WCSBRepublican  from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO


What would you do if you felt your religious beliefs were underrepresented in the political system?

 @9JD3TLTPeace and Freedom from Michigan answered…5mos5MO

speak up on it because religious beliefs shouldn't be silenced

 @9JJ2ZSJ from Missouri agreed…4mos4MO

No one should be silenced, from my perspective that's like when someone one is speaking and no one will listen.

 @9JF582Q  from Virginia agreed…4mos4MO

While the constitution guarantees religious freedom and allows for a religiously pluralistic society, the US has been a historically Christian nation and is still nominally a majority Christian nation. Even though no one religion can be codified into law as the official religion of the country, it is reasonable to expect that Christian interests should be represented in the political system relative to the proportion of the population that is Christian. Likewise, it is reasonable to assume that secular interests will be represented proportionally among those who are not religious. People ofte…  Read more

 @9JD3VGZIndependent  from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I would fight for religious representation, but the government should still have some requirements

 @9JD34NB from Florida answered…5mos5MO

Even though the religions have equal power. They should still not mix with the government because it is not going to be perfectly balanced and one religion will take advantage when given the chance.


Imagine if your leader was chosen by religion rather than merit; how might that affect the country's progress?

 @9HDCWVD from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

It would be unfair to the people if the leader was trying to sway the public into their religious beliefs or only trying to benefit his religions beliefs and groups.

 @9HDCSVP from Indiana answered…6mos6MO


What are the implications for secular laws in a system where religious quotas dictate political representation?

 @9J43GMJ from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

Could I prove diversity in representation, however, could also end up having less than the best candidate in each position simply because they were eof the wrong religious denomination.

 @9J43FRS from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

There are zero implications. Freedom is devoid of any religious influence.


Can a society truly be secular if political positions are allocated to certain religious groups?

 @9HHJYPR from New York answered…6mos6MO

No, and it’s a mistake to imagine that political ideology isn’t an analogue of religion in the 21st century. Critical pedagogy for instance has everything shy of an anthropomorphic godhead or pantheon that typifies a religion: saints and sinners, the righteous and the heretical, high priests and acolytes, organizational power structures that largely dictate dogma, the profound rejection of empiricism, etc.

 @9HHNYGF from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

I dont think any community really has the ability to be completely secular


Might confessionalism discourage non-religious or atheist citizens from fully participating in society?

 @9HPH79G  from Oregon answered…6mos6MO

Yes, a society that merges church and state will be extremely limiting to those with different religious beliefs than the religion chosen. Also, answering problems by adhering to the churches response will both garner massive opposition, and ultimately end with problematic consequences.

 @9HPH2MGDemocrat from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO


Have you ever felt that your religious beliefs affected your opportunities; how do you reconcile this with the idea of equality?

 @9HHYBT3 from California answered…6mos6MO

Not once have I felt my religious beliefs have affected my opportunities. I think people accept religion very well and are open to new ones no matter what.


Do you think confessionalism supports or undermines democracy?

 @9HK59QD from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

 @9HJDLT5 from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

It allows people to have a voice and influence policy decisions based on their religious beliefs. Also When political parties are organized along religious lines, it can create an "us versus them" mentality, which can undermine social cohesion and foster conflict.


What if your access to healthcare or education depended on the political influence of your religious group; how would that make you feel?

 @9KFMKYS from Arkansas answered…3mos3MO

It wouldn't make me feel horrible, but i feel as if it might make it difficult based upon the fact of the groups being separated.

 @9KFMJZG from New York answered…3mos3MO


How might you approach social activism in an environment where the audience is divided based on religious politics?

 @9L9QN8C  from California answered…2mos2MO

dentify core values that transcend religious differences and resonate with a broad audience. For example, concepts like justice, compassion, and human dignity are often shared across religious traditions.

 @9L9P248from Maine answered…2mos2MO

Even in a religious environment social activism is a topic that should be discus.


When selecting team members for a group project, if you had to consider religious backgrounds as criteria, how would you approach the selection?

 @9KMQZW7 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

 @3BRV29QIndependent answered…3mos3MO

I would try to keep religion out of my project as much as possible. So if I didn't believe a person was capable of putting aside their own personal religious beliefs when working on a project, I would try to look elsewhere.

I would rather have a person who was good at their job and non-religious - rather than a person who was excellent at their job but a religious zealot - because I believe the resulting conflict within the team would be a net loss.


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