Try the political quiz

290 Replies


What do you think are the effects of personal financial stress on a student's academic performance?

 @9KDS955 from California answered…3mos3MO

I feel like a student would not be able to perform at the best of their ability when they are always worried about tuition because they won't be able to pay it.

 @9KDSFXD from California answered…3mos3MO

its important for students to succeed and be given the patience for that goal.

 @9KDRXW8 from Utah answered…3mos3MO

The effects have to be too worried about school and how youre gonna pay for school at the same time


In your opinion, what personal sacrifices are acceptable to avoid debt?

 @9KDS3YG from Nebraska answered…3mos3MO

No one should have to sacrifice time with friends/family or live a subpar life in order to avoid debt if they have a job.

 @9KHLLPB from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

There's a reason they're in debt. They have to live with their choices even if it negatively effects their life.

 @9KDTGW8Socialist from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

It’s incredibly messed up that some people have to sacrifice their well-being and their entire social life to escape/avoid debt, especially with college debt. People should not have to go through things like that.

 @9KDRYBRDemocrat from Florida answered…3mos3MO

Make smart choices and not take out a bunch of loans if you cant it off.


What measures do you take when you want to save for a big purchase?

 @9JJPN4L from Georgia answered…4mos4MO

Just save my money put it in my savings and add more money to the savings to buy whatever the big purchase I want to buy

 @9JJPBDKIndependence from South Carolina answered…4mos4MO

I save up money , work hard and do a budget. I also see if it is useful for me to use in the future.

 @9JJNW67 from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I save just bit of my payment and put it of to the side and I keep building more money towards it


How would you prioritize government spending if you were in charge of the budget?

 @9HCWG5K  from Nevada answered…6mos6MO

Cut funding to the military, raise taxes on the rich and close tax loopholes, reverse Trump-era tax cuts, and invest in renewable energy and infrastructure renewal and expansion with a particular focus on Trains.

 @9HCWRM5 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I would prioritize government spending on Welfare and Healthcare, and decrease spending on the U.S. military budget.

 @9HCW3HG from Florida answered…6mos6MO

Collectivization and massive government spending for individual stimulation. Socialism

 @9HCWVLYIndependent from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

I would maintain the current spending for the military, but raise taxes on the rich, close tax loopholes, reverse Trump-era tax cuts, focus on healthcare


What's more important for a government to fund: space exploration or infrastructure, and why?

 @9HYQ2GQ from Hawaii answered…5mos5MO

I feel as if infrastructure is probably important as of right now in this case, space exploration could be more important to our future but as of right now I feel as we have to make sure our buildings are stable and with that extra money instead of building more and using more space we could build off what we had and all the burnt down or houses broken down from torandos and hurricanes can be fixed for people to live in which means less homeless on the street.

 @9HYYQFV from Tennessee agreed…5mos5MO

For me Space exploration isn't something that I need every day, but infrastructure is something that I need every day.

 @9HYRMHY from New Jersey commented…5mos5MO

First, apply what we know can be done here on Earth before discovering what can be done on the Moon or Mars.

 @9HYQ584Libertarian from California answered…5mos5MO

Infrastucture, because space is cool, but it does not have the same influence and impact on our everyday lives. We are not at a point technologically where space exploration can be considered to be beneficial.

 @9HZKCV5 from Nevada agreed…5mos5MO

Space will take years to explore and even decades so it will take forever to explore and get even a little bit of benefits out of it.

 @9HYQJ4N from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

although space exploration can be incredibly helpful and interesting. I think for funding the money at least for a little bit should be spent on infrastructures in our economy to help alleviate some other economic suffering.

 @9HYPZTQ from Hawaii answered…5mos5MO

space exploration. the world already has a lot of buildings and roads taking up the world.


How would you cope with the moral dilemma of cutting a community program to balance a budget?

 @9HX7TFNDemocrat from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

Find another way to fund the program whether through a sales tax or some form of revenue. Cuts to community programs are always a bad thing.

 @9HXD2FZ from New York disagreed…5mos5MO

The inability of the government to balance its budget suggests poor structuring of government expenditures and poor accountability of the return on government investment including in community programs. If effective and return-investing alternatives ways of maintaining a community program are not feasible, the government must determine what expenses are best to preserve and figure out ways to use the tax system to incentivize private industry to invest where the government has been forced to retreat.


I wouldn't mind it as long cutting that community program doesn't cause any social or economical problems.

 @9HX7HR6 from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

I would make sure the community is okay with it before going behind the public's back.

 @9HX7F76 from California answered…5mos5MO

I think it's dumb if the government is having so many problems with the budget they should cut from the military and NASA spending our funding is unbalanced and needs review asap.


What have you learned from observing your community's financial decisions during a crisis?

 @9HTMFYP from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

a community's financial decisions are really important, especially during a crisis. During a crisis, like a natural disaster or a pandemic, it's even more important for individuals and communities to practice fiscal responsibility. This means making smart choices with money and resources to help the community stay afloat.

 @9HTM98WProgressive from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

 @9HTLRQM  from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

Pumping money into the system only increases inflation making any financial aid useless since everyone receives the aid.


What I have learned from my community's financial decisions is that high income people have a lot to show on their properties.


How do you feel about governments borrowing money to fund immediate needs or emergencies?

 @9HF2WTCLibertarian from Wyoming answered…6mos6MO

This makes sense, but it needs to be heavily regulated and not just whoopdydoo whatever the frick.

 @9HF36XH from Texas answered…6mos6MO

 @9HF6WPM from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

I think it is fine as long as you pay the debt back in a timely manner I don't see the problem in doing it.

 @9HF73RW from California answered…6mos6MO

Governments should be more efficient with the funds that taxpayers already give them. The risky and excessive spending by the government should have consequences.


How do you decide when to save your money and when to invest in experiences, like a concert or trip?

 @9HX732GDemocrat from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

If I need a break I might invest in an experience but I try to save money until I’m burnt out

 @9HX7297 from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

I save all the time. However I still live paycheck to paycheck because of my expenses. I don't really go to trips or concerts,


In what ways has personal or family financial stability influenced your future aspirations or educational goals?

 @9LJ7RFT from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

financial stability helps me to achieve those future aspirations and educational goals

 @9LJ764LPeace and Freedom from Nevada answered…2mos2MO

Growing up with parents that couldn't/ didn't want to go to college I've grown to become the same and just seeking to find something that is easy and pays enough. Though there are still aspirations for me to go to college.


What's your process for deciding whether to spend on a quality item versus saving by buying something less expensive?


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