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223 Replies

 @9FPZJWQConstitution  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If teachers were properly trained on how to operate a handgun that is extremely concealable I guarantee schools would be safer. If an individual who wanted to harm innocent people knew those people were armed that would be a sufficient deterrent already; and if they wanted to still carry out the attack they would suffer the consequences.

 @9FQ33DB from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

I am not sure they should know who is armed, but that teachers at the school are armed. It might be one, it might be all. Someone trained and able to provide on-site rapid response is the best deterrent a school can have.

 @9FQ3MY7 from Wisconsin agreed…8mos8MO

Yes teachers should have guns if they feel comfortable having one. I think disgusting students who think about harming people in the school would be less likely to do so if a majority of the school was armed.

 @9FQ9JXW from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

Very few school shootings have actually been stopped by "a good guy with a gun" which is a common argument that republicans will make in the gun control debate. Training teachers would also take too much time and money, which could be used to fund other important programs within schools. Not only this, but some teachers may not feel comfortable carrying a firearm, or they may not want or feel like they need to complete training. Overall, having teachers carry firearms in schools would simply be ineffective, and would be a waste of time and resources.

 @9FQ5H9C  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If there were stricter regulations there would be no reason for schools to implement them. If someone is plotting to attack a school they most likely expect themselves to either get killed or incarcerated. They have already planned out for the worst so they still would execute their mass homicide. If they want to kill, a shooter won't be deterred by people with guns. Violence can't be solved with violence.

 @9FN7CF8  from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Put the guns in hidden, armed cases that are only available to teachers that are licensed and authorized

 @9F7P58N from Massachusetts agreed…9mos9MO

Top Agreement

There are accidental shootings with anything, there were accidental shootings with kids just messing around. It is easy to feel threatened and use the most harmful thing near you to feel safe and try and protect yourself with. Its a dangerous idea when accidents happen even with people who don't want to use a gun.

 @9FPSC9YProgressive  from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

There are accidental shootings with anything, there were accidental shootings with kids just messing around. It is easy to feel threatened and use the most harmful thing near you to feel safe and try and protect yourself with. Its a dangerous idea when accidents happen even with people who don't want to use a gun.

 @9FRJL8WRepublican from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Accidents revolving around firearms should be held accountable for the owner of the gun. School shootings caused by teens often happen because negligent people don't keep their weapons secured. Not that there's anything unconstitutional with not securing a gun, but in the case where something does happen, a negligible person should be tried.

 @9FRHZJV from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

But i think it would be safer if teachers had guns because if there was a shooting at a school your teachers could protect the students.

 @9F8CWYQLibertarianfrom Montana agreed…9mos9MO

Many shooters have taken guns from parents or people they know. How would making it more accessible to kids help the issue?

 @9HKKZDC  from Wisconsin disagreed…6mos6MO

They would be keeping their guns in a locked cabinet where no one can accuse the without a key. I think they also should have to go thru some training or be able to pass a test to prove they know enough about their weapon.

  @layy  from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

If teachers were properly trained on how to operate a handgun that is extremely concealable I guarantee schools would be safer. If an individual who wanted to harm innocent people knew those people were armed that would be a sufficient deterrent already; and if they wanted to still carry out the attack they would suffer the consequences. and will be held accontabel

 @9HN4DRM from Nebraska agreed…6mos6MO

I think their should be a few teachers in the school with access to a firearm to keep schools safe, but not every teacher.

 @9HN3PRX from Minnesota agreed…6mos6MO

I agree, that teachers who are responsible and know how to use a gun and have no criminal record, should be able to carry a gun in their classroom to help prevent school shootings.

 @9HN4TP3 from Minnesota agreed…6mos6MO

Yes, I agree. A very strict and rigorous training for teachers would be required with the option of not having a firearm if they didn't feel comfortable. the firearm would also have to be kept in an extremely secure location not on a teachers person.

 @9HN3RDDProgressive from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

Who's to say teachers can't be behind mass shootings? Why should teachers be appointed guns in a setting where we already know mass shootings based on things like peer behavior or mental issues are rampant?

 @9H8X9CDIndependent from California disagreed…6mos6MO

I am not sure they should know who is armed, but that teachers at the school are armed. It might be one, it might be all. Someone trained and able to provide on-site rapid response is the best deterrent a school can have.

 @9H8YJDP from Indiana disagreed…6mos6MO

Teachers should never be armed, because they would never be able to keep the wepon somewhere thats both safe and acessible enough toi matter. This will only increase shootings.


All it takes is for a smaller kid to pull the weapon off of the teacher or if the teacher forgets to lock the drawer it's in, it can be easily obtained.

 @9G6XD8SDemocrat from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

The presence of firearms in schools increases the risk of accidental discharges or unauthorized access to weapons by students or unauthorized personnel. This could lead to unintentional harm and potentially catastrophic consequences.

 @9H3B65CRepublican from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

Guns would not be taken out of there safe place unless there is an emergency. If teachers have completed there gun safety they will know this.

 @9H3DJXQ from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

Guns would not be taken out of there safe place unless there is an emergency. If teachers have completed there gun safety they will know this.

 @9GNHSPK from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

I feel it can cause a shooting and threat to everyone in the building incase of a major issue if it goes off due to possibly hitting the trigger or the lock not working correctly and could make the teacher use it to take advantage of how the students react

 @9GMB42Y from Kentucky agreed…7mos7MO

No because if students know that their teachers are actively carrying a gun it could cause mass panic between students and parents. Also, having armed teachers could cause an accidental shooting.

 @9H2KQJGRepublican from New Hampshire agreed…7mos7MO

Teachers are meant to be trusted adults to students. Knowing that the teacher has a firearm makes some students uncomfortable and that trust is broken. They also have plenty to be concerned with throughout the day, the added stress of knowing they may need to use the firearm is one that many do not want to endure.

 @9H57L4H from Illinois agreed…6mos6MO

teachers do not need to be armed, they are their to teach and protect their students and providing a gun to a teacher could endanger the students and the teacher


458 accidental shooting deaths in the US in 2019. This would increase massively if teachers had guns.

 @9GBFKWN from California agreed…8mos8MO

Studies have demonstrated that introducing firearms into schools can significantly increase the risk of accidental shootings, posing a direct threat to students, as most educators lack the specialized training and experience required to safely manage firearms in the school environment.

 @9HGF6X9Independent from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

As long as the teachers are taught properly how to handle a firearm there is no risk to this situation whatsoever

 @9GTN787Democrat from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

With teachers being inexperienced, and depending on how young the students are they should not be exposed to this violence. Plus it’s a school they should only be teaching and if necessary, have trained security at the school.

 @9GQYLTG from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

The shootings would double, and since it would be legal teachers would be prone to more gun violence plus the shootings would be more common. This would only raise controversy in America. its consistent gun violence and stereotypes would be worse. It would lead us to have a bad reputation that American schools would be feared.

 @9GPH6VH from Delaware agreed…7mos7MO

A high school teacher — a reserve police officer — accidentally discharged his gun during a lesson at Seaside High School in Seaside, Calif., on Tuesday.

 @9GYHQ2X from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

It's already easy for people to get their hands on guns and to bring them into school which we can obviously see as of late so why would we want to make it even easier and literally at their fingertips, if that teacher is off guard for one second that could put lives at risk.

 @9GWFB87 from New York agreed…7mos7MO

There are accidental shootings with anything, there were accidental shootings with kids just messing around. It is easy to feel threatened and use the most harmful thing near you to feel safe and try and protect yourself with. Its a dangerous idea when accidents happen even with people who don't want to use a gun.

 @9GMHQST from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

Only specifically trained people should have these if a teacher is professionally trained and these types of scenarios and have a strict background check along with a mental check to ensure safety and to ensure that it is kept in a protected place

 @9GH5SVY from California agreed…7mos7MO

No, they aren´t trained to make decisions that a cop would in situation like a school shooting, police who have training with firearms are the ones that should keep a firearm

 @9GG4B5RRepublican from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

if a teacher isn't able to complete basic testing and training in regards to their carry they shouldn't carry.

 @9FMTD9TRepublican from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The teacher has it in a locked draw that kids can't get to. The teacher only grabs it in the situation,But the teacher will be able to defend their class before the cops arrive.

 @9GLKBN8 from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

I think you as a teacher can put the gun in a safe box and when there is a shooting you should be able to take it out and fight for your students life and yours .

 @9GS2H45 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Anybody possessing a gun can make errors, 492 people unintentionally die by gun in an average year so with that imagine every teacher owning a gun.

 @9GF7SLP from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

Teachers are very busy and could easily be careless with their control and a student could steal their gun. Or they aren't well trained and a teacher could misfire on a student.

 @9G84JVY from Alabama agreed…8mos8MO

if a teacher was armed, this could also lead to making the students feel disconneted from the teacher. because the teacher has a lot of power in their hand (the gun), they could be seen as an authority figure and not an authoratitive figure.

 @9H8SFMV from South Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

Teachers would be trained and the guns would be put into a space that no child could get into (perhaps a safe or lock box??)

 @9H377T7Women’s Equality from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

Teachers should not be allowed to carry guns at school because this would increase the risk of school shootings and this would also increase the death rate of kids in school because school shootings are the number one reason for student deaths.

 @9GKJTL2 from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

if the teachers are trained well enough and the gun/weapon is protected well enough, then no accidental shootings will happen

 @9FSBPQ8Independent from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The teachers would be properly trained, wouldn't take it off of their person, or would have it securely locked away from access of children. Guns don't magically fire themselves, they need a user or mechanism set up by someone, and yes, it might be possible if the gun's hammer gets hit by something it could fire a round, but they shouldn't have a live round loaded into the chamber.

 @9FMXDBZ from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If teacher were armed it would actually reduce school shootings. Teachers could deal with threats immediately without having to wait for the police. If the teachers are properly licensed and trained, there shouldn't be any accidents.

 @9H38L3KJustice party member from Kansas agreed…7mos7MO

Armed teachers are just straight dangerous. How would the teachers know how to use the guns? Who did they learn from? What could happen if there was a bad accident?

 @9FLQB8KIndependent from Delaware disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers with guns will only happen under strict background checks on the teacher to ensure the utmost safety.


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