Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @8P2JV4NPeace and Freedom from Kansas disagreed…4yrs4Y

What kind of **** is this. No one has any right to say what a person does with their body. If someone identify as the other gender let them be. Like seriously what is so hard about just letting people do them. You're two sense was not needed. People have the right to live and do as they please with their bodies, just like you. Say someone said you couldn't do this it's going to make you wanna do it even more. So why the negativity and hate? Just love your own **** ing life. Is that so hard to do?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

It will be almost impossible for such a fallible, rough-hewn, ranting and vulgar mortal like I to even being to refute such an eloquent, polished, cultured, and refined piece of oratorical and rhetorical mastery as that. How to begin, how to begin? Shakespeare, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Winston Churchill, Newton, and John Locke would be tearful with pride as they read how the English language, albeit the years it has endured, has yet remained such a thing of beauty as it was at the time of its conception.

I'm going to cut to the chase now – if you can't think of anything to con…  Read more

 @8SLKCY7 from North Carolina commented…3yrs3Y

As a non-binary person, I've experienced so much hate, even from the lgbt community. I've been so self conscious of some of the features i have that are associated with my assigned sex at birth that I haven't left my house for almost 2 years. my question for you is: would you tell an overweight person to stare at the mirror until they became skinny? would you tell a black person to stare at the mirror until they become white? would you tell a drug addict to stare at the mirror until they're no longer addicted? oh wait, those are all impossible! and so is trying to make a trans person identify with their assigned sex at birth.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

I'd tell You to get out of your house, stop using our tax money as a subsidy from the Biden regime, and start working and contributing to society. I'd tell the overweight person to get a diet and lay off on the potato chips, ice-cream, and McDonald's cheeseburgers made of plastic cheese and sprayed with chemicals that make it impossible to rot. I'd tell a black person that you are equal (not superior) to every other human being on the planet. I'd tell a drug addict to go to jail. And I'd tell a mentally-deranged lunatic who thinks he can be whatever he wants to be and doesn't realise his own sex to go to some therapist and get some serious help.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

Sarcasm is the best tool for showing fools their stupidity! It washes the mud and grime off of the issues like cleansing rain, revealing the shining diamond of truth. Dry humour and wit are too uncommon and underappreciated in today's society.

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