Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @SolemnThirdPartyForwardfrom New Jersey commented…3wks3W

If capital markets & companies in China operated freely, most of these manufacturers would be bankrupt. If IP protection & court of law existed in China, most of these companies would be sued.

 @Ind3pendentRavenLibertarianfrom Illinois disagreed…3wks3W

You do know Tesla has received 3 billion dollars in subsidies to date from the US govt right? So this argument around bankruptcy of new technology disruptors can be applied anywhere - it’s is inherently very risky business to enter a new and untested space. I’ve also seen top of the range Chinese EVs and the technology in them is incredible - ahead of anything else I’ve seen on the western market (I’d still rather drive a taycan though). It’s a tad ignorant to say they would be sued for IP infringement as if they don’t have very smart and talented engineers over there also developing things.

 @ParliamentTacosForward from California agreed…3wks3W

Receiving subsidies or tax cuts for investment into new manufacturing is nothing new. However receiving subsidies for cutting prices below cost in order to drive competition out of the market is against WTO rules & most Chinese manufacturers are violating this rule with the support of the their government.

 @Ind3pendentRavenLibertarianfrom Illinois agreed…3wks3W

I hope you do realize whom they subsidized for over 40 years in the end: the Western consumer. I hope you also realize what the competition is mainly about: outright commodities like steel, commodity products like consumer goods, solar panels or cheap entry EVs. Strategic items have never been shared with China to start with and eg chips people talk about are those from your washing machine. Ask Nvidia whether they share their top chip tech with China. No need for Biden to tell them. But let's build barriers and increase the cost of the consumption basket to stoke inflation and reduce…  Read more

 @DolphinChuckVeteranfrom Maine commented…3wks3W

Based on ignorance, fear and misinformation - the cause of most irrational hatred. Obviously there are issues deserving of criticism on both sides and fundamental ideological differences but brainless chants of “USA, USA, USA” to manipulative (and contradictory - given Biden’s IRA) policies such as this largely fall in the former bucket.

 @L3gislatorJimLibertarian from Virginia commented…3wks3W

Let’s be honest, it’s not a good look. When a super power starts to genuinely fear that it’s people are more interested in the imported product vs its own and imposes such severe protective tariffs because it struggles to compete, it hints of insecurity (not national security). It’s a similar path Britain was on as it started to realise it was slowly being overtaken. As history shows us, Britains tariffs at the time did not stop that trajectory.

 @CautiousSnipeDemocrat from Washington commented…3wks3W

And I don’t understand this hatred - yes Chinese have a different system but so what, why can’t people respect that It’s like they think the west is pure relatively which it isn’t (speaking as someone who prefers the west anyway - but I dont hate on Chinese for it)

 @DingoGregPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania disagreed…3wks3W

The Chinese have a “different system”? Yeah. It’s different alright. It’s a totalitarian police surveillance state that silences - through disappearances, secret and not so secret incarcerations and brute force - any dissenting voices. It rounds up and puts in concentration camps its own citizens. It exercises total and absolute control, down to the minutest detail, over its citizens’ lives. It makes 1984 look like a children’s fairy tale. So what, you ask? Why can’t people respect that, you ask? Who are you? Xi Jinping?

 @WeaverValentinaTranshumanist from Wyoming agreed…3wks3W

Completely agree. Unfortunately many people not seeing through this as they are blinded by hatred of China. That doesn’t need to be mutually exclusive with criticising the US for contradictory policy decisions.