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 @9KN99XB from Nebraska answered…3mos3MO

I think that it is ok to let religion play a role in schools

 @9KTPM9Q from North Carolina agreed…3mos3MO

Religion is an undeniable aspect of our life and we should be considering everyone's, but it should play a very minimal role in school.

 @9KTPC3C from Maryland disagreed…3mos3MO

Religion should be kept seperate from the entity of school school to avoid the government from establishing a religion.

 @9KTP7GT from New York disagreed…3mos3MO

If you're going to a public school religion shouldn't play a role in your education because it's so hard to practice every single religion those children in the schools practice. You can't force everyone to follow one religion if some people don't choose to practice that religion outside of school.

 @9KTP6F5Democrat from Minnesota agreed…3mos3MO

I think that religion should play a role in schools, but include all major religions for diversity and inclusion.

 @9KMCDR5from Montana answered…3mos3MO

Absolutely none. I don’t want kids indoctrinated into those morons’ insane Jesus cult.

 @9KTLCTR from New Hampshire disagreed…3mos3MO

I think allowing room for other people's beliefs and point of view is important to increase understanding for everyone.

 @9KTB7VX from Florida disagreed…3mos3MO

I also do not think that religion should play a role in education as it is irrelevant to the overall goals of educators. However, there is no reason to disrespect people's views or religion.

 @9KTB38D from Nevada disagreed…3mos3MO

Our country was founded when religion was a large facet of human life. Although we were granted freedom from establishment of religion, some founding fathers warned against a country led by faithless leaders. If we do away with religion in our lives, what do you propose to replace it? It is important to teach our kids good, moral values.

 @9KT9JGC from Colorado disagreed…3mos3MO

There is absolutely no hope for you if you don’t know Jesus. Life on earth is temporary with him though it is eternal. I am and will always be a Christian.

 @9KMBC6Y from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO

Children should be taught some Christianity in schools,

 @9KTFGRZ  from Florida agreed…3mos3MO

All children should be taught about different religions in school to learn about different cultures, which includes Christianity.

 @9KN6JTSProgressive  from Arizona disagreed…3mos3MO

There is no benefit to learning Christianity in schools and it has no impact on learning the subjects children need to learn

 @9KNGFYG from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

If you want your child taught your religion that should happen under your own roof. Your religion is your right but my religion is mine. Keep all religion out of schools, but I think knowing about world religions should be an endeavour a student can take like art, music, foreign language, etc. requirements in education should be objective i.e. math science and English maybe history.

 @9KNDPJF from Nebraska disagreed…3mos3MO

It would be unconstitutional because of the separation between church and state. If parents want their kids to receive a Christian education they should go to private school

 @9KR78CR from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

I think religion should help to be a moral compass for our students only.

 @9KXW8N3 from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

I think that religion shouldn't play a role in education. If one wants to learn more of roles of religions, there should be religion related schools or things such as church.

 @9KXW8GS from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

I think that religion shouldn't play a role in education. If one wants to learn more of roles of religions, there should be religion related schools or things such as church.

 @9KXW88D from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

I think that religion shouldn't play a role in education. If one wants to learn more of roles of religions, there should be religion related schools or things such as church.

 @9KXW82V from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

I think that religion shouldn't play a role in education. If one wants to learn more of roles of religions, there should be religion related schools or things such as church.

 @9KQTFJYWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

It shouldn't have a role regardless! I'm in school to learn about how to do math and science, not some religion bs.

 @9KVM2XVRepublican from Maryland agreed…3mos3MO

You're not allowed to push one religion, especially in school and student don't wanna be pushed into something they don't believe in.

 @9KVBBQ2 from Ohio agreed…3mos3MO

History of different religions could be an elective or someone's major but allowing the religion itself to dictate anything about education policy is wrong.

 @9KV9V9Y from Louisiana disagreed…3mos3MO

You're in school to learn how to be a critical thinking, educated, productive member of society. Learning about religion will broaden your world view and, as long as it is not pushed on you, only has positive benefits. In a place you go to learn things, you should be learning about the single most powerful organizations in the world. Whether or not you are religious, you need to understand why others are, and how their religion impacts their views.

 @9KV99WP from Oregon disagreed…3mos3MO

In public education religion must have a role, at the very least social studies courses so students can have a basic understanding of religion, morals, and how they effect societal structure and government.

 @9KJDGWJ from California answered…3mos3MO

you should not be involving religion with anything politics, school, etc.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Then we need to remove the religion of Darwinianism from school as well

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

There’s literally no god or established organization attached to that, calling it a religion is just a derogatory statement to make yourself sound right. Calling Darwinism a religion is honestly ridiculous, that’s like calling paleontology a cult.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

It is a religion in the sense that it takes, on faith, the notion that human beings are electrified soup. It has missionaries who go to public schools and universities trying to convert creationists. It has high ranking churchmen who are esteemed and respected above everyone else (Hawking, for example), it views rejection of the narrative as Heresy, and excomunicates from participation in many aspects of the scientific community its skeptics.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

Fairh isn’t a thing in science, proof is, and if there’s enough satisfactory proof, then that tends to convince people to believe a theory. The Big Bang has the most physical and tangible proof of any theory of the universe, and as such, is considered the most likely option, therefore, what’s most likely is what’s taught. The “missionaries” are normally what you call teachers, you know, the people who already live and work around the school being taught at. You say it like teachers just walk up to random religious groups then start reading scientific textbo…  Read more

 @9KNWKX4from Pennsylvania disagreed…3mos3MO

Given that evolution actually has proof whereas creationism does not, calling it a religion seems weird. Also what the **** is darwinianism? That's not a real word, pal.

 @9KKPDFH from Nevada disagreed…3mos3MO

the constitution uses words like god. they should choose religion or no religion its up to them but this shouldnt stop teachers from teaching about god.

 @42R8P4CLibertarian disagreed…3mos3MO

Religion has been an important part of human history and should be understood. Not any specific religion, and no worldview should be forced on any student. It would benefit our youth if classes on all major religions were taught, and possibly even classes on minor religions that are popular in the area that the school is in.

 @9KKN2ZW from Georgia disagreed…3mos3MO

As a Religious person my life is based on religion but no one should be forced to conform to a belief

 @9KN9SF9 from California answered…3mos3MO

I feel that no religion, racial studies, or gender studies should be allowed in public education. It should be the parent's job to teach that outside of school.

 @9KQ5WR5 from Nebraska disagreed…3mos3MO

Families are shown to focus on their own beliefs. " Their way, or the highway." School is a place of learning. It should go beyond learning adding and subracting, vowels and nouns. There is a lot out there and there's no reason why a single child shouldn't know about it.

 @9KNZFF5 from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

Educators should be able to educate students on every aspect of life to prepare them for the future. Religion should not be taught specifically, but students need to learn about all different types of religions. Gender studies is necessary because students are living in a world where nothing is filtered, so people will look a certain way. Parents push their agenda's most days and have a tendency to shield their kids from certain concepts, avoiding them from fully learning and understanding.

 @9KNZ6TD from Wisconsin disagreed…3mos3MO

Schools should teach about racial and gender studies should be taught in schools but with no bias and no attempt to change or form students opinions.

 @9KL7D9B from California answered…3mos3MO

Personally, I believe that any religion shouldn't be mixed with politics.

 @9KMZLD4Green from North Carolina agreed…3mos3MO

Separation of church and state is essential for the proper functioning of a government, as any popular religion, given enough governmental power, is likely to suppress those of other viewpoints and beliefs

 @9KMKLMCConstitution from Oklahoma agreed…3mos3MO

I am a Christian who believes that you can’t force someone to believe in god so that should not be in the government

 @9KL69Y4  from New York disagreed…3mos3MO

Religion is a very important part of America, our Founding Fathers used it, and our entire moral code stems from religion.

 @9KL9K7Z from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Students should be educated about varying religions, but it should not bleed into curriculum. Additionally, no religious beliefs should be favored, forced, or prompted onto students.

 @9KLT3PVIndependent from North Carolina agreed…3mos3MO

Understanding and basic knowledge of various religions is important for creating cultural respect in continuing education and into professionalism.

 @9KLPJ8N from North Carolina disagreed…3mos3MO

religion shouldnt matter when someone is in school unless they are in a school for that said religion

 @9KLM8MRSocialist from Florida agreed…3mos3MO

Students should be allowed to learn about and explore other religions, but not forced to follow the beliefs if they don't wish to.

 @9KH2N6NRepublican from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Religion provides a good background for morality and the US has a long history of Judeo Christian values that have been increasingly ignored to the detriment of modern society.


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