Try the political quiz

286 Replies


If zoning and planning were not government-managed, how might that change the landscape of your city?

 @9KV94PCJustice party member from California answered…3mos3MO

We already have a navy air base what else do we need to make the target on ourselves bigger than what it is.

 @9KV93NQ  from California answered…3mos3MO

it would be more of what and how we are and less like how the government wants it

 @9KV8WF8Republican from Florida answered…3mos3MO


Is it fair for people to pay for all their services, like education and healthcare, instead of having government provide them?

 @9H2V72W from Texas answered…7mos7MO

The fairness of individuals paying for services like education and healthcare in a Minarchist system depends on one's perspective, as proponents argue for increased personal responsibility and choice, while critics may express concerns about potential disparities in access based on financial means.

 @9H2V7H3 from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

 @9H2WB6RRepublican from Washington answered…7mos7MO

Yes. The government is responsible for only the leadership of the nation. Citizens are expected to pay for their own goods and services. Those who are unable to do so are deemed to be impoverished, and make up only the far end of the skew line.

 @9H2W3MTRepublican from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

yes because you should have to pay your own things the government shouldn't have to


If the government didn't provide public education, how would that affect opportunities for young people from different backgrounds?

 @9JC8N5C from Tennessee commented…4mos4MO

Children would be less likely to be influenced by federal government propaganda.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…3mos3MO

They would all be vastly better off, as, instead of the State plundering their parents' hard-earned money, their family would be allowed to invest it in whatever form of education they chose, allowing the children to be sent to highly-competitive and far more prestigious and schools without any difference in the parents' finances. Citizenship would take a quantum leap upward in a single generation.

 @9HDD8JT from Minnesota answered…6mos6MO

So many families come from all over the world to America to get a better education so they can do better with their future and to make a better income. if this opportunity went away, all the hard working people and kids will not be able to afford it and I feel like our economy would go down also.

 @9HDD7GQ from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

It could cause more chaos due to none of them knowing the risks and everything in the real world and it could lead to more homelessness because they can't get a job from no education.


What role do you think social media could play in a world with reduced government oversight?

 @9KS9G49Socialist from California answered…3mos3MO

I feel that social media should be used only to share photos and fun thoughts. I do not believe politicians should be included in social media because people are not only inventing controversial topics, but they are also spreading false rumors that might go viral. Social media should be used to collect memories, not to disseminate politics.

 @9KS8TJPRepublican from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

Social media can expose things that normally the government couldn't see

 @9KRZ5H9 from South Carolina commented…3mos3MO

it could be a platform for people to freely exspress their opinions , share information and connect with others.


Do you think a minimal government could effectively protect the environment, or would it fail without strict regulations?

 @9H2V72W from Texas answered…7mos7MO

The effectiveness of a minimal government in protecting the environment in a Minarchist system is a matter of debate; proponents argue for the role of property rights and voluntary cooperation, while critics contend that without strict regulations, there may be insufficient safeguards against environmental degradation.

 @9H2V95S from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

I think a small government could not effectively protect the environment because it wouldn't think it would be a big enough issue to do it actually try and find a solution for it.


What's your experience when you've had to solve a problem on your own without relying on authorities?

 @9HWST39 from Massachusetts answered…5mos5MO


Without public housing support, how might communities assist those struggling to find affordable accommodation?

 @9HTW68N answered…5mos5MO


Without government environmental protections, how do you think communities would combat pollution or protect natural areas?


Without government welfare, how might your community organize to help those facing financial hardship?

 @9L4PDQZ from Louisiana answered…2mos2MO

 @9KRR379 from Arkansas commented…3mos3MO


If schools were all privately run, what do you think would happen to the quality and accessibility of education?


How could the absence of government regulatory bodies impact consumer trust in products and services?

 @9L4JMZGRepublican from Mississippi answered…2mos2MO

 @9L4JL24 from Mississippi answered…2mos2MO

manipulation from bigger corporations could occur then consumer trust would go down


Could charity and community groups fill the gap if the government ceased providing social welfare benefits?

 @9HPFSL2 from Minnesota answered…6mos6MO

only if they are true programs that help people, not a fake programm for people to funnal money into there pocket


How would the dynamics of your community change if citizens had to fund and establish their own security measures?

 @9HPF2HF from Delaware answered…6mos6MO

My community would change because some homes would have extra reliable security while others are unprotected and criminals could use this to break into the less secure homes.


Without a government enforcing environmental laws, how might individuals and companies be held accountable for protecting nature?

 @9KX2BDS from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

This reflects the fact that anarchism tends to be grounded in notions of individual liberty and equality, free from hierarchy.

 @9KWZWGHLibertarian from California answered…3mos3MO

I don't know how unless we give the state the power to hold them accountable.


How could we handle the protection of endangered species in a system relying solely on private initiatives?

 @9JNHBLK from California answered…4mos4MO

Create a system, like the adopt-a-highway program, that gives individuals and organizations ownership over endangered species and their habitats.

 @9JC8N5C from Tennessee commented…4mos4MO


If the government stopped funding things like public transportation, would our cities be better or worse off?


Our cities would definitely be worse off for many reasons. They would contribute greatly to the environment, there would be much more traffic, people would be a lot less healthy from driving more and taking transport/walking less, and the cities would have to expand, cutting off entire neighborhoods. Public transportation, arguably, is what helps cities to thrive, socially as well!


Could a minimally-involved government maintain order, or do you think chaos would ensue?

 @9HPLH2NDemocrat from Washington answered…5mos5MO

Govt involvement is the only way to get past racism, if govt wasn't directly involved in racism itself.


How would you protect your personal property in a society where the government's role in law enforcement is very limited?


Can a society with minimal government intervention still take care of its poorest and most vulnerable citizens?


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