Try the political quiz

53 Replies

 @8NXYWTZ from Michigan commented…4yrs4Y

I love her!! I believe she is a great candidate for the 2024/2028 elections and I will definitely be voting for her. While Biden is better than Trump, they're both still bad, AOC would be a great fit and cause many positive changes to this country.

 @8NYJRLXRepublican from Illinois commented…4yrs4Y

What positive changes?

 @8PDW96F  from Michigan commented…4yrs4Y

End lobbying, dismantle the fossil fuel industry in favour of clean energy, nationalize healthcare, abolish ICE, reform the criminal justice system, end private prisons, decrease wealth inequality, etc. You people.

 @8PWMHYV from Michigan commented…3yrs3Y

I Totally Agree, I agree with most things about Biden but I think he lacks intelligence and leadership. I watched most of his rallies and he was extremely boring. I think aoc is a way better candidate.

 @8SW425KDemocratfrom Guam commented…3yrs3Y

My concern is her stance on China, which I couldn't find anything about. On basically all questions, I agree with AOC but I don't like the CCP at all, which might be where we disagree the most.

 @97NG8YW from Michigan commented…2yrs2Y

Even tho she's a democratic socialist i do not think she supports the ccp, as it is authoritarian and not actually communist :P

 @8Y7RGRJ from Indiana commented…2yrs2Y

Glad im not the only one worried about the ccp, they are a growing threat to democracy

 @imby0 from Virginia commented…3yrs3Y

I don't know how much you know about Biden but he seems like someone who is wearing a mask of lies but underneath he seems similar to Trump. I do agree he is better than Trump but the reason for me is because he does have that mask and must maintain

 @8NXPGBR  from New York commented…4yrs4Y

Thoughts on AOC saying she might leave politics? She said she might quit politics in the interview with the NY Times stating that she didn’t even know she was gonna run for reelection this year. She also said that she feels like the Democratic Party does not want to push her ultra progressive agenda.

 @8PBMKNGDemocrat from Florida commented…4yrs4Y

The Democratic Party is using candidates like her to explain why they did so poorly in down ballot races.

Was "de-fund the police" really the reason they lost in every seat?

Other reasons:

  1. Weak down ballot candidates.
  2. CV19 Lockdowns
  3. Senate / House leadership.


 @8XRJPQ5 from Massachusetts commented…2yrs2Y

Personally, I don't care who you voted for in 2020, as long as you don't hunt people down and eat them for disagreeing with you! Creepy Joe and Tronald Dump both suck. Biden said "you ain't black" and he recently used the n-word! Trump said climate change was a hoax and he told four congresswomen to "go back to your countries", which I didn't like. My advice to you: vote consciously! Don't just rely on the media because they lie too!

 @96DBVFX from New Jersey corrected…2yrs2Y

Biden did not use the n-word. He was trying to say "eager to hear". At worst, he said "neager to hear". He previously used the n-word around '85, but he was reading a quote. Biden is a corporate tool, and out of touch... but I certainly don't find him to be a racist.

 @97Z4H4N from Florida commented…2yrs2Y

Biden was one of the biggest supporters of segregation and one of the Ku Klux Klan's strongest allies, and he even stated "I don't want my kids growing up in a racially mixed jungle!" He sounds pretty racist to me

 @tmecooksIndependent from Washington commented…4yrs4Y

Interesting candidate she’s good with things on racism besides affirmative action only problem is her views on economy and affirmative action other than that she straight

  @Queen-fan from Oregon commented…12mos12MO

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the absolute perfect democratic candidate for president in 2024. She has been a representative from New York since 2019 and shares all major views with other democrats. If she were to run this election, she would be the only candidate who could beat Joe Biden in the primary election.

 @tester_trishfrom Washington commented…12mos12MO

What do you think about RFK JR?

  @Queen-fan from Oregon commented…12mos12MO

Thanks for the reply. If Marrianne Williamson was not running i would probably vote for him. I am a moderate democrat, so he reflects a lot of my views. He has said some interesting and strange things about the covid vaccine and just vaccines in particular but i still like him. If he wins the primary, he would be my choice for president. I am a bigger fan of Marrianne, but he is pretty good too.

 @BillBazaarLibertarianfrom Northern Mariana Islands commented…12mos12MO

Do you have a lot of friends with similar political views who would vote against Biden if another Democratic candidate ran against him in the primaries?

  @Queen-fan from Oregon commented…12mos12MO

Most people I know are actually republicans, but my democrat friends are Biden fans still.


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