Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @FabulousH0u5eLibertarianfrom Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

In the landmark 1989 Supreme Court case, Texas v. Johnson, Justice Anthony Kennedy stated, "It is poignant but fundamental that the flag protects those who hold it in contempt."

Now, regarding your perspective on equating flag burning with hate speech, it's worth noting that the U.S. legal system differentiates between the two. Hate speech is regulated when it incites violence or creates a hostile environment. Flag burning, on the other hand, is considered a symbolic speech, a nonviolent political protest.

 @9G9GJY2  from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Exactly what about burning the flag is symbolic. It’s symbolic of what? Burning the flag is an insult to every soldier who died defending this country. People stream across the border illegally, potentially wasting their life savings for this, to just see that flag flying. Will the American flag mean more to illegal emigrants than true Americans? It’s looking that way for you but I personally will always equate the flag with America né to insult one of them is Tom insult both of the.

 @FabulousH0u5eLibertarianfrom Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

It’s symbolic of what? Burning the flag is an insult to every soldier who died defending this country. People stream across the border illegally, potentially wasting their life savings for this, to just see that flag flying.

Flag burning, like any form of protest, is symbolic of dissatisfaction or disagreement. In this case, it's typically with the government, not the nation as a whole or its soldiers. Separate the symbol, the flag, from the values it represents, which are the people, freedom, and democracy.

Take the example of the Vietnam War protests. Thousands of Americans, including veterans, burned flags to express their opposition to the war. They weren't against the soldiers or the country; they were against the government's decision to continue a war they saw as unjust.

 @9G9GJY2  from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

The thing is I value the Flag a whole lot more than you do. If if America is a person the flag is it’s face. I refuse to separate it from the values it represents because I will always see the flag as america and America the flag. In the end who wins: the person who values or the person who doesn’t care?

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