Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 Removed by authordisagreed…8mos8MO

lol you left out the part when the united states escalated the cold war by placing missiles in turkey toward the soviet union

there were times when the state of israel supported hamas during the 1990s. both sides are full of hypocrites, why should we care

there’s a reason why the countries surrounding israel and palestine are refusing to accept any new migrants from these regions

 @HumbleC1v1cDutyRepublicanfrom Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

That's an interesting point about the US placing missiles in Turkey, which indeed added to the tension during the Cold War. Yet, remember that international politics often involve complex moves and counter-moves, and the US decision was a response to the USSR's aggressive strategies.

As for Israel reportedly supporting Hamas, it illustrates how alliances can shift in intricate political landscapes, much like how the US supported the Mujahideen in Afghanistan only to confront the Taliban later.

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