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24 Replies

 @9FTD6D9 from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

I think it is true that they are valuable. However, I feel like this comment is a little undermining. Of course we should be fair to them; immigrants are not an outgroup, they are humans, like all of us are. It would be a little stereotypical to categorize ALL immigrants as doing lower-level jobs. However, it is true that many of them work many blue-collar jobs to get along life.

 @9FX3NJP from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

I agree because they came to america for a better life, but they could be taking our potential jobs as a US citizen.

 @9FWL8QH from California agreed…8mos8MO

i think an immigrant should be able to move up the social ladder and do whatever job they would like.

 @9F982MZ from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

The current presidency is allowing criminals and mentally insane citizens to infiltrate our country. All who enter the US should come here legally, learn English, and pass a US citizenship test. They should NOT have free handouts either.

 @Fr33SpeechGenesisDemocrat from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that every nation has the right to control its borders and immigration policies, it's essential to note that not all undocumented immigrants are criminals or mentally unstable. In fact, studies show that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born citizens. As for learning English and passing a US citizenship test, many immigrants are more than willing to do so, but the current immigration system makes it exceptionally difficult and time-consuming.

Regarding free handouts, it's a common misconception that immigrants have access to a wide range…  Read more

 @9FZNFH3 from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this because all they want is to be able to provide their families with a warm meal. They came here in hopes of a better life for them and their children. They aren't harming anyone, so why bother them?

 @9FX7HCYIndependent from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

Immigrants are valuable and work hard at jobs most of us don't want to do. Be fair to them! They are just looking to support their family!

 @9FVSDB8 from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

i agree, people are people no matter where they came from, they have thoughts and feelings too, they need to survive so let them

 @9FTX7JY from New York agreed…8mos8MO

The immigrants that work jobs that are legal fill a gap that no one wants to fill. The government usually doesn't give visas out for the jobs that they usually work. We are very picky with our immigration laws, but as long as someone is working, I disagree with the take that they're taking away jobs. I believe they work jobs that no one wants to do. The only thing that would be a worry is if they had the visas, would they never have worked those jobs? Most restaurants in New York are ran by paying illegal immigrants to work in the kitchen. They definitely do significant work, it's morally wrong to continue this way.

 @9FZ5LNZfrom Maine agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. Immigrants are just people who found themselves in a bad situation and went to a foreign country to seek shelter.

 @9F9JVP2 from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

They have every right to come into this country, as long as they do it legally and accumulate to the American way. Why would anyone NOT want to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world?

 @9F9JSKJ from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

If they are illegal they need to be deported and forced to come over legally in order to support their families.

 @9F9JRG6 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

“Today's immigrants don't assimilate as immigrants from previous eras did.” “Immigrants pose a unique risk today because of terrorism.” of crime.” “Immigrants will take American jobs, lower wages, and especially hurt the poor.

 @9F9J64QRepublican from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Immigrants are lazy when they are on the job though and the reason they do it is because it is very low pay and it's easy for them to get that job.

 @9F9GVM6 from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

Thats true, but they should cross the border legally, and if we let all immigrants in, drug smuglers, and human trafficers could slip through the cracks with them. not to mention these people are allowed to vote by getting fake IDs, and also abuse our welfare system even though they do not have to pay as many taxes as the rest of us do.

 @9F99XTYLibertarianfrom Maine disagreed…9mos9MO

Agreed but there is a distinction between immigration and illegal immigration. If people are able to come and be apart of society rather then be against it and change it then no.

 @9F9878N from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

I have no problem with immigrants working in the US, as long as they are here LEGALLY or have work visas. Otherwise, if they are here illegally, it means they don't respect our country's laws, and uf this is the case, they shouldn't even be in our country, let alive working in it.

 @9FBLMBYRepublican  from Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

Put in that perspective it sounds like they are slaves and you know how that turned out. I believe they should either come to America legally or be deported as they are criminals. If they break the law coming here why should I think they would respect it after arriving? In my opinion, it would be better if they stayed in their own countries and worked to make them better. It is costing the American taxpayers billions of dollars to have them here and that isn't fair to any of us. Medical costs are skyrocketing and taxes are getting hard to bear for schools to house all these illegals. Let them build their own country not tear ours down!

 @9FBJB8S from Connecticut disagreed…9mos9MO

Immigrants are detrimental to native born American workers, as an influx in immigrants who are willing to work jobs at lower wages disincentivizes American born laborers to compete for those jobs, especially at such low wages. They should support their family by increasing their mobility in their country of origin. Further, immigrants have fundamentally altered the social, political, and cultural fabric of the United States, to an extent that the country is becoming unrecognizable from its past.

 @9F9P2PW from Alabama disagreed…9mos9MO

When entering legally it works but when they enter illegally and bring in addictive destructive substances they should return without their drugs followed by counter-terrorism tactics.

 @9F9MLDT from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

If they came to the US legally then they can work but if they came illegally they dont deserve to work.

 @9F9LT2P from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

They can stay if they are legally allowed to be here, illgeal immigrants should be inprisoned or sent back to where they came from.

 @9F9KBJ4 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Agree but when it an illegal immigrate and they are demanding more pay that’s when someone needs to do something

 @9F9P49Q from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

Immigrant s take jobs from people who are working hard. This is because they come over and work for cheap and make profit when they go back to Mexico.


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