Try the political quiz

263 Replies


Have you ever witnessed or experienced privilege in your daily life, and how did it make you feel?

 @9J337J5 from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

I have experienced and witnessed privilege, and it made me feel bad and feel empathy for those who are hurt by this.

 @9J34SN3 from California agreed…5mos5MO

I have visited other third world countries and it made me sop grateful for what I had in this country, and even on bad days I still have 100x more than some have in this world.

 @9J3KV7Q from South Dakota disagreed…5mos5MO

I have experienced privilege only in ways that I have earned through hard work and respect. Life is difficult for everyone in a variety of ways. Some lives are easier than others however I see this as a law of nature: not everyone gets served the same plate. Some must work harder to achieve what others were given for nothing. Furthermore it is our responsibility to help our neighbors in order to make life easier for all, not on a national level, but on the state or local level.

 @9J333JTPeace and Freedom from Alaska answered…5mos5MO

yes i had privilege in my life and it feels like i lost everything i wanted and everything i had and feeling like i dont have it no more in my entire life.

 @9J32NRX from Florida answered…5mos5MO

I have experienced privilege as a white person with a comfortable family income. It made me feel privileged and I wish that all children may have my same opportunities.

 @9J33VCV from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

Yes, I feel like I am treated better than some of the minorities at my school


How do you think celebrating diversity can lead to stronger unity in our society?

 @9KV8R8X from California answered…3mos3MO

No, because in most cases celebrating diversity puts others down because minoritys are favored in the celebrating.

 @9KV65YW from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

It can lead to stronger unity in our society by showing that everyone is loved and has a place in the country.



Why might two equally hard-working people not end up in the same place financially or socially?


Two equally hard-working people might not end up in the same place financially or socially due to their record of criminal history and/or the type of work they pursue.

 @9KZ4H94Democrat from Illinois agreed…3mos3MO

If a person has a criminal record it will cause an employer to question how good of a person or worker they are.


The chances of opportunity, they all have equal opportunity its just if they can managed to obtain it.

 @9KVBJ5R from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

In our system, we are born with certain barriers than our peers, so an indigenous, queer woman is going to have a lesser chance than a straight, white male.

 @9KV7D4X from Texas answered…3mos3MO

there are so many reasons including race, gender, gender identity, where you are in the world, etc.


What does the term 'justice for all' mean to you in a practical sense at school or in your community?

 @9KFFP89 from California answered…3mos3MO

"Ensuring fairness and equity for all individuals, regardless of their background, identity, or circumstances, is what "justice for all" signifies in the realm of social equality within schools or communities."

 @9KN6M8L from California agreed…3mos3MO

Justice for all means that all should begin at the same place, everyone should be presented with the same opportunities from the start; it does not mean that if people fall behind of their own volition that they should be assisted to the level of others, or that those ahead should be held back.

 @9KFFVM5 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

justice for all means equal justice for everyone no matter their race. gender, or social standing.

 @9KFFTFP from California answered…3mos3MO

everyone would need to be nice and respectful to all genders and races.


When have you seen someone stand up for fairness, and how did it influence those around them?

 @9JLS545Women’s Equalityanswered…4mos4MO

I have seen many people stand up for fairness, it showed others around them that there are people that are willing to fight for things.

 @9JNWDZB from Maryland agreed…4mos4MO

If a person sees that another is willing to fight for fairness, many others will work up the courage and fight along side for fairness.

 @9JLRWVLRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

The Tinker case it showed the government and the school the students can show their outlooks.

 @9JLRR79Socialist from Arkansas answered…4mos4MO

I always strive to stand up for the idea that everyone must be treated fair and equal regardless of background


In what ways do you see inequality in the media, and how does it affect your view of the world?

 @9HNXD55 from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I see inequality when it comes to the people in power trying to have a say in women's bodies and when they discuss the topic of immigration and building borders.

 @9HNXFBL from Guam answered…6mos6MO

The mainstream media is highly biased and critical against the opposite’s beliefs. It is practically similar to political propaganda put out by authoritarian regimes from the 40’s disguised as “unbiased media”.

 @9HNXDMC from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

Media is skewed by whichever stance they may support, which can then lead to misinformation and false news being spread.

 @9HNXD9R from Florida answered…6mos6MO

under-privileged parents exercise greater control over their children's social media use to balance the risks that these young people face by living in less affluent neighbourhoods.


How does your family background influence your opportunities, and is this fair?


I come from a middle class family that taught me how to work hard, this is fair

 @9HNXXPH from New York answered…6mos6MO

My family background allows me access to many opportunities and this isn't fair to all.


Can you think of a historical figure who significantly advanced social equality, and what inspires you about them?

 @9HTPF46 from New York answered…5mos5MO

Abraham Lincoln he started the movement and finalized the abolishment of slavery

 @9HWBCFY from Tennessee disagreed…5mos5MO

Other historical figures that are far less recognized, have made far greater contributions to the advancement of social equality.

 @9HTP36GDemocrat from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Martin Luther King is a hero. He was a great example of what being a Christian in today's world means.

 @9HTPG4G from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

Probably the people who helped stone wall. Though not one figure they helped greatly with equality today.


Can you think of a situation where treating everyone exactly the same might not be fair?

 @9HNXMRM from Florida answered…6mos6MO

if there were a situation where someone got killed wrongfully and was still treated like a human, it would be really messed up.

 @9HNXMFG from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

when some people work harder than others but get the same pay in return


Why do you think some people are hesitant to support social equality?

 @9HNXP9Q from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

I think some people don't like to support social equality because they are self centered and don't want to share what others don't have


If you discovered a friend's opinion was based on a stereotype, how would you approach the conversation?

 @9JQJJ8X  from Colorado answered…4mos4MO

I would probably say that although some fit the stereotype, it does not apply to all/a majority of that group or people. Basing an opinion on stereotyping can lead to misinformation and harm.

 @9JQH8T4 from California answered…4mos4MO

I would bring up the fact that they said something stereotype and tell them that it isn't right that they should knowledge that they said something no okay. I would also give them examples on how they were wrong.


Is it possible to have true social equality in a capitalist society?


How would the eradication of poverty affect daily interactions in your community?


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