Try the political quiz

137 Replies

 @VeggieleezyDemocrat  from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

Buying a firearm should not be easier than buying cough medicine at the pharmacy, and owning a gun doesn't make someone instantly an expert in its safe usage unless their intent is deliberately unsafe use. Existing gun control laws need to be more strictly enforced, and the ability to purchase firearms, especially assault rifles, should come with stricter background checks and clearances. Also, gun owners should be required to keep their weapons safely and securely locked in their homes to prevent accidental use or deaths, and anyone who purchases guns should go through training to use them safely.

 @9GWQY8H from Delaware disagreed…7mos7MO

The right to keep and bear arms is as fundamental to the United States of America as the freedom of speech we utilize to discuss it. You cannot have one without the other; that is where the conversation starts from. We take the wrong approach to changing the impact guns have on the lives of Americans. Rather than hiding them away, as we did with drugs, prostitution and human trafficking, and mental health, we must push them into the light.
1. Gun familiarity, (safety and respect) should be taught in the schools.
2. The federal government should establish publicly accessible mental health…  Read more

 @9GWQY5Q from New York agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this statement, the sale of military grade guns have become way too prevalent and unregulated.

 @9GWR539 from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

Buying a firearm is the inherent right of all Americans and any freedom-seeking individuals who wish to either break free from an oppressive regime or to establish a free society. This tool is a good check on government authority. Both cough medicine and firearms should be easy to obtain. The safe use of firearms is already practiced by a large majority of firearm users, and the restriction of obtaining, possessing, securing, and using firearms will only be met with revolutionary action. “By the people, for the people” will be suppressed if firearms rights are restricted. Not can be, WILL be.

 @9GNDP2VLibertarian  from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

There are already restrictive gun laws in many states. I support the gun laws requiring stringent background checks, not allowing sale of guns to those with mental illness or history of felons. However; most of these gun laws are not ENFORCED! What good are good laws that are not backed up? More aggression in the enforcement of gun sales is needed.

 @9GNFKYHRepublican from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

Although you have made good statements, more gun control rules are taking away our constitution right to the second amendment.

 @9GNDP2VLibertarian  from Michigan commented…7mos7MO

Allowing guns to be sold to folks with known mental health issues is taking away the right to life of our school children and other innocent bystanders. Some folks should not have access to guns.

 @9GNFV2S from California disagreed…7mos7MO

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed." Need I say more.

 @9KNGK9P from Utah disagreed…3mos3MO

these laws literally are enforced just go to a gun store and try to buy a gun

 @9KNGK9P from Utah disagreed…3mos3MO

these laws literally are enforced just go to a gun store and try to buy a gun

 @9F9PSDLIndependent  from Alabama agreed…9mos9MO

They should have a psych exam and go through multiple training and handling courses. They should also not be allowed to own a gun if they have any red flags in the background check. You should also get references from people outside the family.

 @9FTJW64  from California agreed…8mos8MO

Supporting strict background checks, psychological testing, and training is vital for effective gun control. Studies show that countries with comprehensive gun control measures have significantly lower rates of firearm-related deaths. Background checks can prevent individuals with criminal records or mental health issues from accessing guns, reducing the risk of violent incidents. Psychological testing and training ensure that gun owners are mentally stable and proficient in firearm handling, promoting responsible ownership. These measures, backed by evidence, prioritize public safety without infringing on citizens' rights, making them essential components of a sensible gun control policy.

 @9FTLZWZ from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

I agree, I would also like to add that we should have routine mental health checks. This would ensure gun owners aren't in poor mental health while still in possession of a firearm.

 @9GB383Z  from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

In order to deter criminals and mentally ill people from obtaining weapons, we must drastically increase the difficulty and time required to acquire one. For instance, extensive training, psychological testing, and background tests should be intensified, but it should take place over several months in order to receive a license and purchase a firearm. This way, those who are planning to commit a crime may be deterred by the amount of time it takes to obtain a firearm, and give up. Another possibility is that those who go through with the process may be denied due to the additional detail of their testing. Assault weapons are also unnecessary, and should be banned (or made to require even more extensive training and testing). Handguns are the most effective and reasonable self defense weapon in terms of firearms.

 @9GB4X8V from California disagreed…8mos8MO

most people planning to commit a crime can and will acquire firearms illicitly. "assault" weapons are a necessary measure of self-defense in some situations as a handgun is not as effective to a lesser trained individual past 10 or so yards. we are already required to have background checks and to take tests to ensure that we are competent to handle a firearm. if these tests were more in-depth it would not be a problem in my eyes but a several-month waiting time is unnecessary.

 @DovesClaireConstitutionfrom Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Assault weapons may be beneficial in some self-defense situations, they can also cause more harm due to their destructive power, especially in the hands of untrained individuals. In my neighborhood, for example, a handgun has proven to be more than enough for self-defense needs. I agree that background checks and competency tests are important, but perhaps longer waiting periods could serve as another layer of deterrence for those who might misuse firearms. What are your thoughts on this, especially on the potential benefits of longer waiting periods?

 @9GB383Z  from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

I am the author of the original post. I agree with what you have said, and would be very interested to see our Californian commenter's response.

 @LocustBillyGreen from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Let's flip the pancake for a second. Imagine you've been waiting for your favorite band to come to town. The tickets finally go on sale, and you're told there's a months-long waiting period. In the meantime, scalpers swoop in, buying tickets from under the table sources, and suddenly the concert's overrun with folks who don't even know the lyrics to the band's biggest hit!

That's kind of like the gun situation. Longer waiting periods might deter some impulsive buyers, sure, but they might also encourage a booming black market, where control and regulat…  Read more

 @9GB383Z  from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

"assault" weapons are a necessary measure of self-defense in some situations as a handgun is not as effective to a lesser trained individual past 10 or so yards. we are already required to have background checks and to take tests to ensure that we are competent to handle a firearm.

I have a few issues with your argument (while it is clearly well-thought out and reasonable). You are correct, many people can find ways to acquire firearms illegally, one example of this being the 16 year old 2022 school shooter Ethan Crumbley. However, while I am not old enough to purchase a firearm and thus haven't gone through this process, I would hope or advocate for a large part of the testing to revolve around properly containing the weapon in a locked safe or drawer. As for your argument about the effectiveness of a handgun at increasing distances, I would argue that most self-d…  Read more

 @GrizzledInt3grityConstitutionfrom Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I agree that safety and weapon containment are critical, it's also crucial to acknowledge that criminals rarely follow such rules. Therefore, increased regulation could disproportionately affect law-abiding citizens, while criminals continue to obtain firearms illicitly.

On the point of self-defense scenarios, it's important to realize that it isn't always as cut and dry as home invasions or late-night assaults. For instance, the 1992 Los Angeles riots demonstrated that sometimes, larger-capacity firearms are necessary for self-defense. Many Korean business owners used rifles,…  Read more

 @9GVJ4BLSocialist  from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

In theory, having more strict background checks, psychological tests, and training would help prevent guns from falling into the hands of someone intending harm or someone who is inexperienced, but as I mentioned before, people will still find ways through the system. Again, as I mentioned before, military grade guns and assault riffles are unnecessary for the American population, for reasons previously mentioned, and therefore should be banned from public hands, including gun shows and private sellers.

 @9GVMQZ5 from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

The bill of rights shall not be infringed upon. If you are a law abiding citizen of the United States, or any other country, you have the god given/human right (only guaranteed by the government, not given) to defend yourself to the best of your ability and if the government infringes on this right it is tyrannical. Exceptions to this rule would be violent criminals, suspected terrorists, or the mentally ill. In other words, those who don’t have the mental faculties to handle a gun properly. This is why I agree with BACKGROUND CHECKS ONLY.

 @9GKTDLGLibertarian from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

If we want to stop gun violence we have to stop giving violent people guns. There is no way to keep them from purchasing a gun unless we have background checks and tests that give us data to work with.

 @9GKVXXZ from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I do agree with some but there are some things that could be improved on. We need to lower what guns are allowed to be sold and limit them to pistols. We also should require a mental health check and make it required to get checked every half year. We should also require training and background checks of every person to check for violent crimes or any other crime that could result in the harm of themselves or anyone else.

 @9GKVTHPRepublican from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

No, the second amendment gives the American citizens to purchase a gun with no hassle, American should be able to protect their families with firearms

 @9GKVQQC from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

Totally agree! More background checks, psychological testing, and make it harder to purchase a gun without abolishing it.

 @9GLBS8PGreen  from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

You only need to look at the news to see the deaths and tragedies arisen from guns. Having background checks and wait periods prevents individuals from becoming school shooters on a whim.

 @9GLDBK2 from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

those who have mental illness or have a criminal background shouldn't have guns, however just because some bad people out there exist doesn't mean every kid will do it.

 @9GLQV6WPeace and Freedom from Nebraska agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this comment about gun control. People need to take mental health tests and have background checks on them to see if they are eligible to own a gun.

 @9GLD9Y9 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I can agree with background checks but banning or out right removing the law is a problem every time a government becomes tyrannical or a dictatorship it starts by removing peoples firearms the right to bear arms has been a law that the U.S. should stand by. Most firearms that are used illegally arent registered or even brought into this country legally you cant blame or target the people that do it by law punish the heart of the problems like arms dealers and the cartels that bring such guns to people that shouldn't own them.

 @9GM8XYB from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

You should have the right to carry and protect yourself because even if you y no to guns and they get a law for it there is always the black market.

 @9GMPCB2 from Delaware agreed…7mos7MO

if there are any red flags in the background check then the purchase should be canceled, also require a strict psychological test to make sure they're are no signs of mental instability that could cause them to become reckless or violent with a firearm.

 @9FB647V from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

They should take a psychiatric exam and undergo various training and management courses. They also shouldn't be allowed to own a gun if they have something wrong on their background check.

 @9FB3KSM from New Jersey agreed…9mos9MO

They should have a psychiatry exam and have to go through multiple training and handling courses. They should also not be allowed to own a gun if they have anything wrong in their background check.

 @9GRJHZ4 from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

well weapons should be used for hobby, hunting, and self defense. thoroughly psych evaluated, intensive training. Deep background checks. And Psych Evaluations every year.
Also no military grade weapons.

 @9G7S8LB from New York agreed…8mos8MO

there have been way too many active shooter incidents and mishandling of guns in the U.S. there needs to be training to accidents dont happen so often and psychological tests so weapons arent given out to those who are clearly unhinged.

 @9GGK43R from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Supporting strict background checks, psychological testing, and training is vital for effective gun control. Studies show that countries with comprehensive gun control measures have significantly lower rates of firearm-related deaths. Background checks can prevent individuals with criminal records or mental health issues from accessing guns, reducing the risk of violent incidents. Psychological testing and training ensure that gun owners are mentally stable and proficient in firearm handling, promoting responsible ownership. These measures, backed by evidence, prioritize public safety without infringing on citizens' rights, making them essential components of a sensible gun control policy.

 @9GF6PW2 from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

Foreign nations like Japan require strict mental fitness tests and tighter restrictions than America. Statistically, their mass shooting count is significantly less than the US.

 @9G9D7QW from Nebraska agreed…8mos8MO

If we were to have more strict background checks we can't really tell how it would go down, but we can predict, and those predictions show homicide rates with firearms going down 20 percent or more. Right now people have a basic 1 day background check to purchase a basic firearm, and most workers if they see the person as unfit to sell to, sell it anyways, because money is money. And big emphasis on the prior military veterans, not that they aren't trust worthy, but a decent amount of mentally unstable, and more likely to take their own life, which is still a very unwanted thing, at least to me.

 @9FSYRQG from Louisiana agreed…8mos8MO

Stricter background checks, along with psychological evaluation and training provide not only better gun safety knowledge, but also can result in more time for any suicidal or homicidal persons to reconsider or be found out.

 @9GL8292 from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

Owning a gun is a constitutional right, but there clearly need to be more regulations and steps to the process of acquiring a weapon. School shootings and other disasters might decline if people had to go through more tests and checks. Something that could end another human being's life is not to be taken lightly.

 @9GKFDPP from Kentucky agreed…7mos7MO

If people who purchase firearms are given training then they will know how to use the weapon properly, use it safely, and when to use it. If people who purchase guns have a strict background check then based on that check we will be able to learn if they've had a history of violence and if they are to be trusted with such a weapon. If people who purchase guns take a psychological test then it will be determined if this person will try to harm either themselves or others.

 @9G7QWDQ from California agreed…8mos8MO

Many instances of gun abuse have been from people who shouldn’t have owned a gun because of their mental state, lack of discipline and training, and ex cons, or racists

 @9FX6VSTIndependent from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

The strict background checks prevents anyone with a shaky background to acquire a gun, protecting theorems and others. Psychological testing and training is key to this too because giving guns to people without the proper training and proper mindset leads to an unstable outbreak.

 @9G4QLMS from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

If you require strict background checks and psychological testing you ensure that people with ill-intentions are much less likely to get access to weaponry, and others know how to manage and safely use said weaponry

 @9GTWHTCfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

Running these background checks gives more info on how the individual acts given that you can see wether to sell or not sell the weapon to the individual

 @9F9KSGC from Florida agreed…9mos9MO

Most events with gun violence are usually caused by characters with mental illnesses like PTSD, schizophrenia, or anything that causes the individual to have a skewed perception of reality. People must be trained in proper gun use, as well as background checks- if the character in question had a violent history with gun violence, why would you give them another one unless they're properly trained?

 @9GD4TDY from Oklahoma agreed…8mos8MO

Requiring background checks, psychological testing, and training will prevent more shootings from happening.

 @9H38VZ7Socialist from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

You should have the right to own a firearm granted with High amounts of restrictions on what type and round capacity exc

 @9GGK4NS from California agreed…7mos7MO

With the amount of school shootings around the US almost anyone can obtain a gun when they turn 18 so a good background check and mental testing to see the purpose and mindset of getting a gun can help prevent that


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