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24 Replies

 @9G9TBW2  from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

Top Disagreement

Jerusalem is the capital of PALESTINE and not Israel, please educate yourself before you argue against this. Palestinians welcomed Jewish people to live with them, then slowly they started backstabbing Palestinians and trying to have Palestine for themselves, you might say Israel have been a thing for 5,000 years NO IT WASN'T THE Religion has been here for 5,000 years but not the name of "Israel" not all Jewish people agree with them either about 50 percent of Jewish people are against Israel and the only reason the rest are saying free Israel is because they want Israel for…  Read more

 @9GB64ZS from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Let them fight their own war and don't get the US involved. If they do need assistance that bad, send a little bit of troops in. No more than 1500.

 @ContentCaribouLibertarianfrom Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

The US has long been entangled in Middle East affairs, often as a peacemaker. However, it's intriguing to note that deploying troops, even in small numbers, wouldn't necessarily solve the issue at hand, because it's not solely a military conflict but a deeply rooted political, cultural, and religious dispute. A vivid example is the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, which instead of stabilizing the region, led to the rise of ISIS and further instability.

Furthermore, the presence of foreign troops can often exacerbate tensions rather than reducing them. Drawing from the US history, the deployment of troops in Vietnam didn't lead to peace, but rather prolonged the conflict.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

The US has absolutely not been a peacemaker in the Middle East; quite the opposite.

 @9G9Y5DDPeace and Freedom from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. "Israel" is not a real state. People who live in "Israel" are colonizers supporting the active genocide of Palestine and its people. There are Palestinians OLDER than the "state" of "Israel."
Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine. GIVE PALESTINIANS THEIR LAND BACK.

 @S0cialistJoeRepublican from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The biblical term "Israel" has indeed been around for thousands of years, referring to the ancient Kingdom of Israel established by King David around 1000 BC, with Jerusalem as its capital. The modern State of Israel, established in 1948, adopted the name to reflect this historical and religious legacy.

Your assertion that 50% of Jewish people are against Israel is not statistically supported. While there are certainly Jewish individuals and groups who oppose certain policies or actions of the Israeli government, the vast majority of Jews worldwide support Israel's right to…  Read more

 @lane07689  from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Israel had that land in the very beginning, but my main argument is that if we are superior then we should take the land.

 @CamelPhilGreen from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's important to note the historical significance of Israel's establishment, the principle of "might makes right" could lead to detrimental consequences in a global context. For instance, consider if larger nations decided to annex smaller countries based on resource needs or strategic advantages. Would that be justifiable? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

 @9FFJ9NDSocialist  from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

The Jewish people know first hand what it is like to have others oppress them because their oppressors deemed themselves superior to Jewish people. Now, let me be clear, not all Jewish people are Zionists. However the Zionists that came to Palestine were trying to claim land that was already occupied, and even when given land that already wasn't there's, they became unhappy and took more.

Jerusalem is a holy city to all the Abrahamic religions, and some non-Abrahamic religions as well. Jerusalem should not be owned by any one nation or religion, as no religion is superior to another, and all who deem it holy should share it.

 @9GD7QTD from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

In the 1940's, the United Kingdom had gave Israel to the Jewish people, in turn creating a zionist government. The zionist government exiled hundreds of thousands of native Palestinians, murdered them, denied them rights, put them under military rule, and denied them citizenship while actively helping Jewish populations and settlers of the same area. The unfair treatment of Palestinians for over 70 years and complete disregard for basic human rights and values constitutes a reform and/or disassembly of Israel's zionist government, and dissolving all United States support to Israel.

 @9GJ8FGXSocialist from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Jerusalem has always been for Palestinians. Everyone in that region regardless of religion was coexisting peacefully until British and Zionist colonizers came in and started mass genociding people.

 @9GPXZCF from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Israel is a settler colonial state founded on the basis of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. The city of Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine. Israel was given stolen land based off of biblical terms in regards to the Kingdom of Israel.

 @9G49CJ8 from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

israel is not a real country and the government is wrong and Jerusalem belongs to palistine and will always be palenstines

 @9FXVD6CRepublicanfrom Guam disagreed…8mos8MO

If we don’t support the invasion and takeover of other countries such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or China’s suppression of Xinjiang, why should we support Israel and it’s occupation of Palestine and Jerusalem…

 @9GKY5NYIndependent from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

An occupier cannot be legally a sovereign nation. Israel has constantly violated international law in their continued occupation of Palestine. The counterargument is that Hamas is in power, and the blockade is one meant for security. But then why does killing occur in the West Bank?

 @9CRX64DDemocrat  from Pennsylvania disagreed…2wks2W

Placing Jerusalem as the capital creates a discriminatory environment for the Palestinians and creates a sense of favoritism.

 @9MJSDYZ from Oregon agreed…2wks2W

The city was conquered in a war. Are all countries going to return all conquered territories? How far back in history will we go? Should Istanbul be returned to the Roman Empire? What other countries do not get to choose their own capitol?

 @naftalisLibertarian from Virgin Islands agreed…6 days6D

Israel, our ally, considers Jerusalem to be its capital. Do we want them to decide that our capital is Richmond? their capital, their choice.

 @9H43D3MWrite-In from Massachusetts agreed…7mos7MO

We have no right to tell another country. What city should be their capital. Israel has done a wonderful job being a great friend to the United States. We need to be a great friend back to Israel.

 @9GKDLYC from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

Since the Israeli people have rigtfully owned this land, Jerusalem is the capital of their land and not the capital of Palestine.

 @9FMHP65Libertarian from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

The president's house is in Jerusalem. Most government takes place in the city. It is the capital whether you recognize it or not.

 @9GN96N6  from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

As a *** - Israel has no right to be there. America has made it very clear that religion is separated from state, so why are we supporting a Zionist government?

 @9NDJQTX  from California disagreed…15hrs15H

Israel stole the land. The Nakba in 1948 was a genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, and the Israelis want to burn down one of the holiest sites in all of Islam to build a synagogue on top of it. The Israelis do not and never will respect freedom of worship.


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