Try the political quiz

142 Replies

  @jsimicConstitution from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Top Agreement

American issues and American policies should be determined by American citizens.

American citizens should not vote in Mexico, UK, or Canada.

Canadians, British, and Mexican citizens should not vote in the USA.

 @MonkeyDanGreen from New Mexico disagreed…9mos9MO

Your point is valid, and it's true that in most countries, only citizens have the right to vote. However, some countries, such as New Zealand and Uruguay, do allow non-citizens who are permanent residents to vote. These countries believe that those who contribute to society, pay taxes, and are affected by the decisions of the government should have a say in who governs them. Do you think there could be a middle ground, perhaps granting voting rights to foreigners after they've lived and contributed to the society for a certain number of years?

 @9FBR9FF from California agreed…9mos9MO

They are "illegal" immigrants as in the broke the law, these individuals are not even able to be fully booked into our system.

 @9FBG2WW from South Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

If too many foreigners get turned into voters for their chosen party, then there will be no secure border, which means a massive rise in drugs, human trafficking, and taxes, and would lead to the downfall of America. Voting is for Americans and legal citizens of America only.

 @9GNGLKHIndependent from Kansas agreed…7mos7MO

Our nation's leadership and policies should be decided by American citizens, just like in many other countries. I shouldn't determine Germany's next chancellor even if I had a residency status there.

 @9GKBDVBLibertarian from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Anyone who enters the country illegally should never be allowed to vote. They should be required to leave the country and apply to our immigration or asylum programs in the accepted legally until then they have shown that they cannot follow the US laws and should not be allowed to vote to influence them


If someone goes through the process to become a legal citizen, they are likely to be someone who actually wants to live there, as opposed to someone who only wishes to influence an election and leave.

 @9GHDXNH from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Our constitution only applies to citizens. Foreigners inevitably do not understand our country well enough to make decisions about it that they can then run away from.

 @9685YCK from California disagreed…2yrs2Y

No taxation without representation

This country gained its independence from the fact that people wanted no taxation without representation. So our country is built on the belief that if we are paying the government, we should have a say in what they do with our money.

 @9FN8FPB from Iowa agreed…8mos8MO

The Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all persons "born or naturalized in the United States". That does not include illegal immigrants. That has been our law since 1868 and has not changed since then.The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was to end racial voting practices.

 @9F84B7C from California agreed…9mos9MO

If a foreigner is here illegally they have no right to vote but if the foreigner becomes a US citizen then it's Their right to vote.

 @9GR27CG from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

If they want to vote, they should become a legal US citizen so that we know they are probably not just going through the steps to mess with the numbers.

 @9FLX3PZ from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

why should someone who snuck into the country illegally be allowed to vote on a country, in which they arent in legally vote on our issues

 @9GT6SVW from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

We don't let people who are non US citizens outside of the US vote in elections, why should we allow non US citizens who illegally came into the US vote in elections?

 @9FZNSPN from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

Illegal immigration is a big problem in the US at the moment, as many people are crossing over the border. While many immigration are trying to make an attempt to escape bad situation they might be in, that does not mean they can come into the US without going through the process of becoming legal. The people that did go through that process deserve every right to be able to vote as they are citizens and they fought hard to be an american. Giving illegal citizens the right to vote discredits the citizens that fought for there citizenship.


If were letting people who are not U.S citizens vote then it isn't an American election it is an election for everyone

 @9F7T3JY from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

If we let foreigners vote, then why would we stop them from running for office? They are voting on that position so at that point we might as well let them run for office as well.

 @9GTNQ7PLibertarian from California agreed…7mos7MO

I think voting is a privilege that should only be enjoyed by legal citizens who immigrated in accordance with the law. However, it should be easier to immigrate and also there should be significantly less benefit for immigrating. Less nannystate but easier immigration. Remove the impetus for people to want to come to the US illegally and make it easier for them to come here legally. No one was hanging out free healthcare and education to immigrants back in the day, and people came here to make something of themselves, not take a handout.

 @9GW5FFKRepublican from South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

A majority of foreigners who move here illegally want to vote. The reasons they shouldn't be allowed to are simple. They don't pay taxes on income or sales which means they are not supporting our government. They are not counted by the census seeing as they are undocumented which inturn affects how our taxes and inflation will be over the coming years.

 @9G9YPQQ from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

Someone who is not from this country does not grow up with the same ideals and understanding of how this country works. Their opinion is unnecessary unless they have the proper knowledge to vote on subjects.

 @9FR43FGIndependent from Colorado agreed…8mos8MO

Our Constitution, allowing that to happen would be unconstitutional and a branch would be abusing their power going over the law.

 @9FLV5H3 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

i think that even though they have come to our land they are still like everyone else.
you have to show devotion to a country before taking part in it's most important system in determining our nations future!

 @9FTBF7VConstitution from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

If your in the U.S. for long enouoh you should be able to vote. Anyone who has been in Maerica for 10 years and has passed the test should be a citizen.

 @9FPZY34 from New York disagreed…8mos8MO


 @9GF8FCBRepublican from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

If illegal immigrants are allowed to vote in elections and there are open borders under the democratic president. Then that president is only keeping the borders open to ensure that they win the next election by securing votes from illegal immigrants while simultaneously failing to protect the American citizens by the constitution. Then when a republican president eventually does take office and starts doing their job according to the constitution and closing down the borders, the people that entered the country are only going to want to vote for the democratic president that kept the borders open for them to enter into the country illegally. Which is essentially rigging the elections which is another law that is being broken.


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