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10 Replies

 @9FG46J8  from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

The Dakota Access Pipeline brings in so much oil into the United States contributing to so much carbon emmisions.

 @9FGPJVKDemocrat from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

I believe that the Dakota Access Pipeline is bad for our environment because it has leaked several times causing contamination in our environment and disrupting the drinking water line.

 @9FG9JBKIndependencefrom British Columbia disagreed…9mos9MO

Oil and Gas run tons of things in the country and with the current gas and oil prices we need more of it to make it affordable to drive while electrical cars are in the making, aswell lithium will cause bad too in the long run

 @9FG79ZX from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

I live in the area this would affect and it would make a lot of the farmland unusable for several years if something went wrong it could be really bad for people in that area

 @9FGC94VLibertarian from Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

It's not our land and on top of that it's land that's sacred to the Dakota and Native American population.

 @9FJ9MJH from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

I think it should be stopped as most reservations in these areas don't have enough money to fix their water lines and make it healthier and cleaner. This oil can kill off the Native Americans living in these areas.

 @9FQ4N2C from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The Standing Rock Sioux, other tribes, and environmental groups oppose the pipeline because of the greenhouse gas emissions from oil that it carries, and concerns that a spill would contaminate state and tribal drinking water.

 @9FQ3ZK3 from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

The Dakota Access Pipeline will destroy Native American Land. Today, there is not much land Native Americans own, we should permanently preserve the land. The pipeline would kill Native Americans' fresh water in that area. It is crucial to keep these lands stable. The Dakota Access Pipeland could destroy Sioux historical and religious sites.

 @9FRKG39Democrat from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

You may say that the Dakota Access pipeline would be beneficial however, using an underwater pipeline to transport oil is not a good idea because it can cause pollution in the ocean causing our planet to die even quicker.

 @9FQ4L8GLibertarian from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

The Dakota access pipeline is being built upon Native American property and the government does not have the power to do such


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