Try the political quiz

105 Replies

 @9FJ84L6 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Not every 18 year old should be required to provide at least a year of military service. This is because not everyone is prepared. People have different beliefs, different capabilities, and different levels of what they can take. You should have to complete a series of physical challenges to make it.

 @9FZBB2X from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Military service is like school but better and teaches respect and discipline as well as simple things like math and also it's important to know how to shoot and fight these days

 @9GF524Z  from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

the polish government requires military service. ask any polish person and they will ,most-likely tell you that they are proud to be polish

 @9G3YSBG from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

Obesity rates are very high and the US enlistment rate is dropping, mandatory enlistment would promote physical activity

 @9FT274Y from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

I think its awesome because it teaches people discipline and raises our country's people to be more respected and mature. Puts people in the right place

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

I would argue it teaches people to be subordinate and dogmatic, and can also support the violent, alt-right pipeline.

 @97H3FXTLibertarian from Texas commented…2yrs2Y

As an educator and mother, I think all qualifying males and females that are not going to college or furthering their education after high school should be required at least, 1 year of military service/training. Furthermore, if a qualifying student chooses to drop out of high school they must give at least, 4 years of service/training while obtaining their GED. 1.) I feel this will detour many (especially, those in low socioeconomic status) students from dropping out and/or cause students to take responsibility for their education (I.e. take it serious) while in school. 2.) This would provide experience and education that these students would not otherwise partake in. 3.) Crime would go down…less people in jail/prison later in life.

 @9FRNHJF from California agreed…8mos8MO

If another country were to allow this law where 1 year of military service is mandatory their entire nation would instantly evolve they would overpower the U.S. military and the U.S. would be embarrassed and that would make other countries question on how reliable the U.S. would be if a war were to breakout.

 @9G47DWP from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

First, it allows citizens to learn and train together, creating that shared experience of having served in the military.

 @9G9DGVG from California agreed…8mos8MO

For starters, the obesity rates would go down because of the rigorous training you have to do. Second of all you prove commitment to the USA.

 @9G5C4C4 from South Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Having military experience and the things that you learn in the military, can be really helpful in day-to-day life, like in a job position where discipline can be helpful


I would argue it teaches people to be subordinate and dogmatic, and can also support the violent, alt-right pipeline.

 @9FW2X27Republican from New Jersey agreed…8mos8MO

We need to buff up the country. If there is a war, most US citizens will probably not fight at all. The USA is devolving.

 @9MZDF56  from North Carolina agreed…6 days6D

Stronger military, more experienced population in the event of invasion/homeland defense, citizens will have a larger focus on America as a whole and not themselves all the time, they will take more pride in this country.

 @9M8HWJP from Washington agreed…4wks4W

If the idea of military service is a bridge too far, then a compromise for me would be civil service of some type. 1 year of military service, or 2 years of civil service. My idea's heart being, young people hopefully will learn the idea of selfless service and gain a greater perspective, otherwise maybe they wouldn't have.

 @9LX3DMJfrom Virgin Islands agreed…1mo1MO

If you compare American young men with other contries' which have mandatory military service, Americans are way softer. Or even in our country, compare city-boys with young men from southern parts of america. The gap is insane.

 @9GT9KTJ from California agreed…7mos7MO

Americans are currently suffering from many issues like obesity, dumbness, depression, etc. By having Mandatory Military Service, they can promote things like health, intelligence, and give them a purpose.

 @9FLJK3W from New York agreed…8mos8MO

it would make the country more safe due to all the cititzens having military experiance from attaks ,health issues and it would change citizens mental and phisical health

 @9GF8QYF  from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Center for Disease Control and Prevention- More than 7 people die every hour of violence. Military demographics and statistics prove that 72.6% of men in the military are masculine, The military is 24.7% female and 17% are feminest .

 @9FVGLXB from California agreed…8mos8MO

Adolescent depression is a serious problem in our society, with suicide rates increasing. This comes from loneliness and anxiety which is something the brotherhood of military service could fix

 @9FR69GV from Tennessee agreed…8mos8MO

like think about it. trying to make people pay to increase school funding is impossible. so lets just turn the military into school.

 @9GCSBR2 from Connecticut agreed…8mos8MO

It would give America a better standing against china who already out numbers America in might. As I said before, this also strengthens the countries defense, as well as it gives that person discipline.


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