Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



What would you say to someone who believes their actions are too small to make a difference for the environment?

 @9LJ8LVYSocialist from California answered…2mos2MO

It is true, large corporations and unethical business practices are the reason for majority of the pollution.

 @9LMVWCQIndependent from Indiana agreed…1mo1MO

Although we as the consumer have responsibility to be responsible on what we consumer and how we dispose of the product and are the reason the products are being consumed we are shouldn’t hold all the blame. As of 2022 Coca Cola produced 5.56 million metric tons into the environment. The typical person produces 20 tonnes in ones life time. 20 tonnes is a lot and we should shop and be sustainable but how how am I or all of us the sole contributors to climate change. This why I am a firm believer that companies should be held responsible. Like why should I have to use a paper straw while Coca Cola just dumps millions of co2 a year completely crazy and that’s just whats reported. .