Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9KVM2XVRepublican from Maryland agreed…3mos3MO

You're not allowed to push one religion, especially in school and student don't wanna be pushed into something they don't believe in.

 @9KVBBQ2 from Ohio agreed…3mos3MO

History of different religions could be an elective or someone's major but allowing the religion itself to dictate anything about education policy is wrong.

 @9KV9V9Y from Louisiana disagreed…3mos3MO

You're in school to learn how to be a critical thinking, educated, productive member of society. Learning about religion will broaden your world view and, as long as it is not pushed on you, only has positive benefits. In a place you go to learn things, you should be learning about the single most powerful organizations in the world. Whether or not you are religious, you need to understand why others are, and how their religion impacts their views.

 @9KV99WP from Oregon disagreed…3mos3MO

In public education religion must have a role, at the very least social studies courses so students can have a basic understanding of religion, morals, and how they effect societal structure and government.

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