Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Why do you think some people struggle to understand the concept of 'white privilege' and how would you explain it?

 @9KFPFJ6Women’s Equality from Texas answered…3mos3MO

White privilege is how white people have more rights than black people, and some people struggle because it is a bit wrong.

 @9KG7QM6 from Arkansas agreed…3mos3MO

In my experience, people who reject the idea of white privilege tend to be white people who feel like they got themselves where they are. They think the idea of having a leg up is ridiculous, because they don’t feel as though they had one. In reality, white privilege is much more insidious than that. These ideas of racial inequality are deeply rooted in our nations history and ancestors, so most people do not realize they are biased towards a particular group.