Try the political quiz

4 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

No, actually you've got stupid and diabolical (Biden) and intelligent and rude (Trump)

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Nah, both are far past the point of senile, trump’s just legally smart when trying to avoid getting convicted for things he’s publicly admitted to. Trump didn’t make a good economy, he inherited it, and cutting taxes on the rich doesn’t help your economy, it dredges it down further.

 @9NVY8F9 from Missouri disagreed…2 days2D

Joseph R. Biden is not senile, as anyone who watched the state of the union address could point out. He passed the IRA, handled a terrible economy from Trump remarkably, closed dozens of tax loopholes for the rich, is the most Pro-labor president in American history. And he beat Trump. Even if he had done nothing else, I would rather have a can of beans as president then Trump.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…1 day1D

The terrible economy was from the totalitarian shutdowns during the COVID scam championed by the Left – before they released COVID, America had one of the best economies it had ever had, thanks to the Trump tax and regulation cuts. And why are you celebrating that Biden is forcing the rich to pay more taxes? That's incredibly stupid of you, because guess who hires 95% of the workers in this country? The rich. Tax millions from them, and you've destroyed their ability to create good-paying jobs for Americans. You've harmed the working class, and the poor, far more than the…  Read more

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