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Nikki Haley called for vaccination registry of children

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

If this surprises you, you watch too much CNN. The old witch has already made an assault on free speech a "day 1" priority; supports endless imperialist wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, thinks the industrialised butchery of six million innocent unborn children a year is a "respectful" issue, and voted against school choice. Just add this to the list, I guess. People need to realise that the Nikki Haley "surge" in pulling is left-wing BS. The Radical Left owns Nikki Haley, she's been bought and paid for. Anyone who votes for her is voting against real change in DC.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Left-wing and pro-big government are NOT the same thing, let’s just solidify that here.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Can you explain that a little bit, because last time I checked the Left supported socialised healthcare, government infrastructure funding, state-operated indoctrination facilities (aka public schools) foreign aid to warring nations, punitive theft rates, also known as the income tax rate, a giant criminal cartel web known as Social Welfare that plunders money from others to bribe new voters, funding for private organisations like planned parenthood, continued spending in the face of $34 trillion dollar debt, of which, if it were to be paid off today, every last man woman and child in this…  Read more